Package 'weibulltools'

Title: Statistical Methods for Life Data Analysis
Description: Provides statistical methods and visualizations that are often used in reliability engineering. Comprises a compact and easily accessible set of methods and visualization tools that make the examination and adjustment as well as the analysis and interpretation of field data (and bench tests) as simple as possible. Non-parametric estimators like Median Ranks, Kaplan-Meier (Abernethy, 2006, <ISBN:978-0-9653062-3-2>), Johnson (Johnson, 1964, <ISBN:978-0444403223>), and Nelson-Aalen for failure probability estimation within samples that contain failures as well as censored data are included. The package supports methods like Maximum Likelihood and Rank Regression, (Genschel and Meeker, 2010, <DOI:10.1080/08982112.2010.503447>) for the estimation of multiple parametric lifetime distributions, as well as the computation of confidence intervals of quantiles and probabilities using the delta method related to Fisher's confidence intervals (Meeker and Escobar, 1998, <ISBN:9780471673279>) and the beta-binomial confidence bounds. If desired, mixture model analysis can be done with segmented regression and the EM algorithm. Besides the well-known Weibull analysis, the package also contains Monte Carlo methods for the correction and completion of imprecisely recorded or unknown lifetime characteristics. (Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA), 2016, <ISSN:0943-9412>). Plots are created statically ('ggplot2') or interactively ('plotly') and can be customized with functions of the respective visualization package. The graphical technique of probability plotting as well as the addition of regression lines and confidence bounds to existing plots are supported.
Authors: Tim-Gunnar Hensel [aut, cre], David Barkemeyer [aut]
Maintainer: Tim-Gunnar Hensel <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 2.1.0
Built: 2025-01-06 05:19:10 UTC

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Provides statistical methods and visualizations that are often used in reliability engineering. Comprises a compact and easily accessible set of methods and visualization tools that make the examination and adjustment as well as the analysis and interpretation of field data (and bench tests) as simple as possible.

Besides the well-known Weibull analysis, the package supports multiple lifetime distributions and also contains Monte Carlo methods for the correction and completion of imprecisely recorded or unknown lifetime characteristics.

Plots are created statically (ggplot2) or interactively (plotly) and can be customized with functions of the respective visualization package.

Fatigue Life for Alloy T7989 Specimens


A dataset containing the number of cycles of fatigue life for Alloy T7987 specimens.




A tibble with 72 rows and 2 variables:


Number of cycles (in thousands).


If specimen failed before 300 thousand cycles 1 else 0.


Meeker, William Q; Escobar, Luis A., Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York: Wiley series in probability and statistics (1998, p.131)

Beta Binomial Confidence Bounds for Quantiles and Probabilities


This function computes the non-parametric beta binomial confidence bounds (BB) for quantiles and failure probabilities.


confint_betabinom(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wt_model'
  b_lives = c(0.01, 0.1, 0.5),
  bounds = c("two_sided", "lower", "upper"),
  conf_level = 0.95,
  direction = c("y", "x"),



A list with class wt_model (and further classes) returned by rank_regression.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


A numeric vector indicating the probabilities pp of the BpB_p-lives (quantiles) to be considered.


A character string specifying the bound(s) to be computed.


Confidence level of the interval.


A character string specifying the direction of the confidence interval. "y" for failure probabilities or "x" for quantiles.


The procedure is similar to the Median Ranks method but with the difference that instead of finding the probability for the j-th rank at the 50% level the probability (probabilities) has (have) to be found at the given confidence level.


A tibble with class wt_confint containing the following columns:

  • x : An ordered sequence of the lifetime characteristic regarding the failed units, starting at min(x) and ending up at max(x). With b_lives = c(0.01, 0.1, 0.5) the 1%, 10% and 50% quantiles are additionally included in x, but only if the specified probabilities are in the range of the estimated probabilities.

  • rank : Interpolated ranks as a function of probabilities, computed with the converted approximation formula of Benard.

  • prob : An ordered sequence of probabilities with specified b_lives included.

  • lower_bound : Provided, if bounds is one of "two_sided" or "lower". Lower confidence limits with respect to direction, i.e. limits for quantiles or probabilities.

  • upper_bound : Provided, if bounds is one of "two_sided" or "upper". Upper confidence limits with respect to direction, i.e. limits for quantiles or probabilities.

  • cdf_estimation_method : Method for the estimation of failure probabilities which was specified in estimate_cdf.

Further information is stored in the attributes of this tibble:

  • distribution : Distribution which was specified in rank_regression.

  • bounds : Specified bound(s).

  • direction : Specified direction.

  • model_estimation : Input list with class wt_model.


# Reliability data preparation:
## Data for two-parametric model:
data_2p <- reliability_data(
  x = distance,
  status = status

## Data for three-parametric model:
data_3p <- reliability_data(
  x = cycles,
  status = status

# Probability estimation:
prob_tbl_2p <- estimate_cdf(
  methods = "johnson"

prob_tbl_3p <- estimate_cdf(
  methods = "johnson"

prob_tbl_mult <- estimate_cdf(
  methods = c("johnson", "mr")

# Model estimation with rank_regression():
rr_2p <- rank_regression(
  distribution = "weibull"

rr_3p <- rank_regression(
  distribution = "lognormal3",
  conf_level = 0.90

rr_lists <- rank_regression(
  distribution = "loglogistic3",
  conf_level = 0.90

# Example 1 - Two-sided 95% confidence interval for probabilities ('y'):
conf_betabin_1 <- confint_betabinom(
  x = rr_2p,
  bounds = "two_sided",
  conf_level = 0.95,
  direction = "y"

# Example 2 - One-sided lower/upper 90% confidence interval for quantiles ('x'):
conf_betabin_2_1 <- confint_betabinom(
  x = rr_2p,
  bounds = "lower",
  conf_level = 0.90,
  direction = "x"

conf_betabin_2_2 <- confint_betabinom(
  x = rr_2p,
  bounds = "upper",
  conf_level = 0.90,
  direction = "x"

# Example 3 - Two-sided 90% confidence intervals for both directions using
# a three-parametric model:
conf_betabin_3_1 <- confint_betabinom(
  x = rr_3p,
  bounds = "two_sided",
  conf_level = 0.90,
  direction = "y"

conf_betabin_3_2 <- confint_betabinom(
  x = rr_3p,
  bounds = "two_sided",
  conf_level = 0.90,
  direction = "x"

# Example 4 - Confidence intervals if multiple methods in estimate_cdf, i.e.
# "johnson" and "mr", were specified:

conf_betabin_4 <- confint_betabinom(
  x = rr_lists,
  bounds = "two_sided",
  conf_level = 0.99,
  direction = "y"

Beta Binomial Confidence Bounds for Quantiles and Probabilities


This function computes the non-parametric beta binomial confidence bounds (BB) for quantiles and failure probabilities.


## Default S3 method:
  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic", "sev", "normal", "logistic",
    "weibull3", "lognormal3", "loglogistic3", "exponential", "exponential2"),
  b_lives = c(0.01, 0.1, 0.5),
  bounds = c("two_sided", "lower", "upper"),
  conf_level = 0.95,
  direction = c("y", "x"),



A numeric vector which consists of lifetime data. Lifetime data could be every characteristic influencing the reliability of a product, e.g. operating time (days/months in service), mileage (km, miles), load cycles.


A vector of binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).


The parameters (coefficients) returned by rank_regression.


Supposed distribution of the random variable. Has to be in line with the specification made in rank_regression.


A numeric vector indicating the probabilities pp of the BpB_p-lives (quantiles) to be considered.


A character string specifying the bound(s) to be computed.


Confidence level of the interval.


A character string specifying the direction of the confidence interval. "y" for failure probabilities or "x" for quantiles.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


The procedure is similar to the Median Ranks method but with the difference that instead of finding the probability for the j-th rank at the 50% level the probability (probabilities) has (have) to be found at the given confidence level.


A tibble with class wt_confint containing the following columns:

  • x : An ordered sequence of the lifetime characteristic regarding the failed units, starting at min(x) and ending up at max(x). With b_lives = c(0.01, 0.1, 0.5) the 1%, 10% and 50% quantiles are additionally included in x, but only if the specified probabilities are in the range of the estimated probabilities.

  • rank : Interpolated ranks as a function of probabilities, computed with the converted approximation formula of Benard.

  • prob : An ordered sequence of probabilities with specified b_lives included.

  • lower_bound : Provided, if bounds is one of "two_sided" or "lower". Lower confidence limits with respect to direction, i.e. limits for quantiles or probabilities.

  • upper_bound : Provided, if bounds is one of "two_sided" or "upper". Upper confidence limits with respect to direction, i.e. limits for quantiles or probabilities.

  • cdf_estimation_method : A character that is always NA_character. Only needed for internal use.

Further information is stored in the attributes of this tibble:

  • distribution : Distribution which was specified in rank_regression.

  • bounds : Specified bound(s).

  • direction : Specified direction.

See Also



# Vectors:
obs <- seq(10000, 100000, 10000)
status_1 <- c(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)

cycles <- alloy$cycles
status_2 <- alloy$status

# Probability estimation:
prob_tbl <- estimate_cdf(
  x = obs,
  status = status_1,
  method = "johnson"

prob_tbl_2 <- estimate_cdf(
  x = cycles,
  status = status_2,
  method = "johnson"

# Model estimation with rank_regression():
rr <- rank_regression(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  y = prob_tbl$prob,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  distribution = "weibull",
  conf_level = 0.9

rr_2 <- rank_regression(
  x = prob_tbl_2$x,
  y = prob_tbl_2$prob,
  status = prob_tbl_2$status,
  distribution = "lognormal3"

# Example 1 - Two-sided 95% confidence interval for probabilities ('y'):
conf_betabin_1 <- confint_betabinom(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  dist_params = rr$coefficients,
  distribution = "weibull",
  bounds = "two_sided",
  conf_level = 0.95,
  direction = "y"

# Example 2 - One-sided lower/upper 90% confidence interval for quantiles ('x'):
conf_betabin_2_1 <- confint_betabinom(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  dist_params = rr$coefficients,
  distribution = "weibull",
  bounds = "lower",
  conf_level = 0.9,
  direction = "x"

conf_betabin_2_2 <- confint_betabinom(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  dist_params = rr$coefficients,
  distribution = "weibull",
  bounds = "upper",
  conf_level = 0.9,
  direction = "x"

# Example 3 - Two-sided 90% confidence intervals for both directions using
# a three-parametric model:

conf_betabin_3_1 <- confint_betabinom(
  x = prob_tbl_2$x,
  status = prob_tbl_2$status,
  dist_params = rr_2$coefficients,
  distribution = "lognormal3",
  bounds = "two_sided",
  conf_level = 0.9,
  direction = "y"

conf_betabin_3_2 <- confint_betabinom(
  x = prob_tbl_2$x,
  status = prob_tbl_2$status,
  dist_params = rr_2$coefficients,
  distribution = "lognormal3",
  bounds = "two_sided",
  conf_level = 0.9,
  direction = "x"

Fisher's Confidence Bounds for Quantiles and Probabilities


This function computes normal-approximation confidence intervals for quantiles and failure probabilities.


confint_fisher(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wt_model'
  b_lives = c(0.01, 0.1, 0.5),
  bounds = c("two_sided", "lower", "upper"),
  conf_level = 0.95,
  direction = c("y", "x"),



A list with classes wt_model and wt_ml_estimation returned by ml_estimation.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


A numeric vector indicating the probabilities pp of the BpB_p-lives (quantiles) to be considered.


A character string specifying the bound(s) to be computed.


Confidence level of the interval.


A character string specifying the direction of the confidence interval. "y" for failure probabilities or "x" for quantiles.


The basis for the calculation of these confidence bounds are the standard errors obtained by the delta method.

The bounds on the probability are determined by the z-procedure. See 'References' for more information on this approach.


A tibble with class wt_confint containing the following columns:

  • x : An ordered sequence of the lifetime characteristic regarding the failed units, starting at min(x) and ending up at max(x). With b_lives = c(0.01, 0.1, 0.5) the 1%, 10% and 50% quantiles are additionally included in x, but only if the specified probabilities are in the range of the estimated probabilities.

  • prob : An ordered sequence of probabilities with specified b_lives included.

  • std_err : Estimated standard errors with respect to direction.

  • lower_bound : Provided, if bounds is one of "two_sided" or "lower". Lower confidence limits with respect to direction, i.e. limits for quantiles or probabilities.

  • upper_bound : Provided, if bounds is one of "two_sided" or "upper". Upper confidence limits with respect to direction, i.e. limits for quantiles or probabilities.

  • cdf_estimation_method : A character that is always NA_character. Only needed for internal use.

Further information is stored in the attributes of this tibble:

  • distribution : Distribution which was specified in ml_estimation.

  • bounds : Specified bound(s).

  • direction : Specified direction.

  • model_estimation : Input list with classes wt_model and wt_ml_estimation.


Meeker, William Q; Escobar, Luis A., Statistical methods for reliability data, New York: Wiley series in probability and statistics, 1998


# Reliability data preparation:
## Data for two-parametric model:
data_2p <- reliability_data(
  x = distance,
  status = status

## Data for three-parametric model:
data_3p <- reliability_data(
  x = cycles,
  status = status

# Model estimation with ml_estimation():
ml_2p <- ml_estimation(
  distribution = "weibull"

ml_3p <- ml_estimation(
  distribution = "lognormal3",
  conf_level = 0.90

# Example 1 - Two-sided 95% confidence interval for probabilities ('y'):
conf_fisher_1 <- confint_fisher(
  x = ml_2p,
  bounds = "two_sided",
  conf_level = 0.95,
  direction = "y"

# Example 2 - One-sided lower/upper 90% confidence interval for quantiles ('x'):
conf_fisher_2_1 <- confint_fisher(
  x = ml_2p,
  bounds = "lower",
  conf_level = 0.90,
  direction = "x"

conf_fisher_2_2 <- confint_fisher(
  x = ml_2p,
  bounds = "upper",
  conf_level = 0.90,
  direction = "x"

# Example 3 - Two-sided 90% confidence intervals for both directions using
# a three-parametric model:

conf_fisher_3_1 <- confint_fisher(
  x = ml_3p,
  bounds = "two_sided",
  conf_level = 0.90,
  direction = "y"

conf_fisher_3_2 <- confint_fisher(
  x = ml_3p,
  bounds = "two_sided",
  conf_level = 0.90,
  direction = "x"

Fisher's Confidence Bounds for Quantiles and Probabilities


This function computes normal-approximation confidence intervals for quantiles and failure probabilities.


## Default S3 method:
  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic", "sev", "normal", "logistic",
    "weibull3", "lognormal3", "loglogistic3", "exponential", "exponential2"),
  b_lives = c(0.01, 0.1, 0.5),
  bounds = c("two_sided", "lower", "upper"),
  conf_level = 0.95,
  direction = c("y", "x"),



A numeric vector which consists of lifetime data. Lifetime data could be every characteristic influencing the reliability of a product, e.g. operating time (days/months in service), mileage (km, miles), load cycles.


A vector of binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).


The parameters (coefficients) returned by ml_estimation.


The variance-covariance-matrix (varcov) returned by ml_estimation.


Supposed distribution of the random variable. Has to be in line with the specification made in ml_estimation.


A numeric vector indicating the probabilities pp of the BpB_p-lives (quantiles) to be considered.


A character string specifying the bound(s) to be computed.


Confidence level of the interval.


A character string specifying the direction of the confidence interval. "y" for failure probabilities or "x" for quantiles.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


The basis for the calculation of these confidence bounds are the standard errors obtained by the delta method.

The bounds on the probability are determined by the z-procedure. See 'References' for more information on this approach.


A tibble with class wt_confint containing the following columns:

  • x : An ordered sequence of the lifetime characteristic regarding the failed units, starting at min(x) and ending up at max(x). With b_lives = c(0.01, 0.1, 0.5) the 1%, 10% and 50% quantiles are additionally included in x, but only if the specified probabilities are in the range of the estimated probabilities.

  • prob : An ordered sequence of probabilities with specified b_lives included.

  • std_err : Estimated standard errors with respect to direction.

  • lower_bound : Provided, if bounds is one of "two_sided" or "lower". Lower confidence limits with respect to direction, i.e. limits for quantiles or probabilities.

  • upper_bound : Provided, if bounds is one of "two_sided" or "upper". Upper confidence limits with respect to direction, i.e. limits for quantiles or probabilities.

  • cdf_estimation_method : A character that is always NA_character. Only needed for internal use.

Further information is stored in the attributes of this tibble:

  • distribution : Distribution which was specified in ml_estimation.

  • bounds : Specified bound(s).

  • direction : Specified direction.


Meeker, William Q; Escobar, Luis A., Statistical methods for reliability data, New York: Wiley series in probability and statistics, 1998

See Also



# Vectors:
obs <- seq(10000, 100000, 10000)
status_1 <- c(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)

cycles <- alloy$cycles
status_2 <- alloy$status

# Model estimation with ml_estimation():
ml <- ml_estimation(
  x = obs,
  status = status_1,
  distribution = "weibull",
  conf_level = 0.90

ml_2 <- ml_estimation(
  x = cycles,
  status = status_2,
  distribution = "lognormal3"

# Example 1 - Two-sided 95% confidence interval for probabilities ('y'):
conf_fisher_1 <- confint_fisher(
  x = obs,
  status = status_1,
  dist_params = ml$coefficients,
  dist_varcov = ml$varcov,
  distribution = "weibull",
  bounds = "two_sided",
  conf_level = 0.95,
  direction = "y"

# Example 2 - One-sided lower/upper 90% confidence interval for quantiles ('x'):
conf_fisher_2_1 <- confint_fisher(
  x = obs,
  status = status_1,
  dist_params = ml$coefficients,
  dist_varcov = ml$varcov,
  distribution = "weibull",
  bounds = "lower",
  conf_level = 0.90,
  direction = "x"

conf_fisher_2_2 <- confint_fisher(
  x = obs,
  status = status_1,
  dist_params = ml$coefficients,
  dist_varcov = ml$varcov,
  distribution = "weibull",
  bounds = "upper",
  conf_level = 0.90,
  direction = "x"

# Example 3 - Two-sided 90% confidence intervals for both directions using
# a three-parametric model:

conf_fisher_3_1 <- confint_fisher(
  x = cycles,
  status = status_2,
  dist_params = ml_2$coefficients,
  dist_varcov = ml_2$varcov,
  distribution = "lognormal3",
  bounds = "two_sided",
  conf_level = 0.90,
  direction = "y"

conf_fisher_3_2 <- confint_fisher(
  x = cycles,
  status = status_2,
  dist_params = ml_2$coefficients,
  dist_varcov = ml_2$varcov,
  distribution = "lognormal3",
  bounds = "two_sided",
  conf_level = 0.90,
  direction = "x"

Delta Method for Parametric Lifetime Distributions


This function applies the delta method to a parametric lifetime distribution.


  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic", "sev", "normal", "logistic",
    "weibull3", "lognormal3", "loglogistic3", "exponential", "exponential2"),
  direction = c("y", "x"),
  p = deprecated()



A numeric vector of probabilities or quantiles. If the standard errors of quantiles should be determined the corresponding probabilities have to be specified, and if the standard errors of standardized quantiles (z-values) should be computed corresponding quantiles are required.


The parameters (coefficients) returned by ml_estimation.


The variance-covariance-matrix (varcov) returned by ml_estimation.


Supposed distribution of the random variable. Has to be in line with the specification made in ml_estimation.


A character string specifying for which quantity the standard errors are calculated. "y" if x are quantiles or "x" if x are probabilities.


[Soft-deprecated]: Use x instead.


The delta method estimates the standard errors for quantities that can be written as non-linear functions of ML estimators. Hence, the parameters as well as the variance-covariance matrix of these quantities have to be estimated with maximum likelihood.

The estimated standard errors are used to calculate Fisher's (normal approximation) confidence intervals. For confidence bounds on the probability, standard errors of the standardized quantiles (direction = "y") have to be computed (z-procedure) and for bounds on quantiles, standard errors of quantiles (direction = "x") are required. For more information see confint_fisher.


A numeric vector of estimated standard errors for quantiles or standardized quantiles (z-values).


Meeker, William Q; Escobar, Luis A., Statistical methods for reliability data, New York: Wiley series in probability and statistics, 1998


# Reliability data preparation:
data <- reliability_data(
  x = distance,
  status = status

# Parameter estimation using maximum likelihood:
mle <- ml_estimation(
  distribution = "weibull",
  conf_level = 0.95

# Example 1 - Standard errors of standardized quantiles:
delta_y <- delta_method(
  x = shock$distance,
  dist_params = mle$coefficients,
  dist_varcov = mle$varcov,
  distribution = "weibull",
  direction = "y"

# Example 2 - Standard errors of quantiles:
delta_x <- delta_method(
  x = seq(0.01, 0.99, 0.01),
  dist_params = mle$coefficients,
  dist_varcov = mle$varcov,
  distribution = "weibull",
  direction = "x"

Parameter Estimation of a Delay Distribution


This function models a delay (in days) random variable (e.g. in logistic, registration, report) using a supposed continuous distribution. First, the row-wise differences in days of the related date columns are calculated and then the parameter(s) of the assumed distribution is (are) estimated with maximum likelihood. See 'Details' for more information.



## S3 method for class 'wt_mcs_delay_data'
dist_delay(..., x, distribution = c("lognormal", "exponential"))



Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


A tibble with class wt_mcs_delay_data returned by mcs_delay_data.


Supposed distribution of the respective delay.


The distribution parameter(s) is (are) determined on the basis of complete cases, i.e. there is no NA (row-wise) in one of the related date columns. Time differences less than or equal to zero are not considered as well.


A list with class wt_delay_estimation which contains:

  • coefficients : A named vector of estimated parameter(s).

  • delay : A numeric vector of element-wise computed differences in days.

  • distribution : Specified distribution.

If more than one delay was considered in mcs_delay_data, the resulting output is a list with class wt_delay_estimation_list. In this case each list element has class wt_delay_estimation and the items listed above, are included.


# MCS data preparation:
## Data for delay in registration:
mcs_tbl_1 <- mcs_delay_data(
  date_1 = production_date,
  date_2 = registration_date,
  time = dis,
  status = status,
  id = vin

## Data for delay in report:
mcs_tbl_2 <- mcs_delay_data(
  date_1 = repair_date,
  date_2 = report_date,
  time = dis,
  status = status,
  id = vin

## Data for both delays:
mcs_tbl_both <- mcs_delay_data(
  date_1 = c(production_date, repair_date),
  date_2 = c(registration_date, report_date),
  time = dis,
  status = status,
  id = vin

# Example 1 - Delay in registration:
params_delay_regist  <- dist_delay(
  x = mcs_tbl_1,
  distribution = "lognormal"

# Example 2 - Delay in report:
params_delay_report  <- dist_delay(
  x = mcs_tbl_2,
  distribution = "exponential"

# Example 3 - Delays in registration and report with same distribution:
params_delays  <- dist_delay(
  x = mcs_tbl_both,
  distribution = "lognormal"

# Example 4 - Delays in registration and report with different distributions:
params_delays_2  <- dist_delay(
  x = mcs_tbl_both,
  distribution = c("lognormal", "exponential")

Parameter Estimation of the Delay in Registration Distribution



dist_delay_register() is no longer under active development, switching to dist_delay is recommended.


dist_delay_register(date_prod, date_register, distribution = "lognormal")



A vector of class character or Date, in the format "yyyy-mm-dd", indicating the date of production of a unit. Use NA for missing elements.


A vector of class character or Date, in the format "yyyy-mm-dd", indicating the date of registration of a unit. Use NA for missing elements.


Supposed distribution of the random variable. Only "lognormal"is implemented.


This function introduces a delay random variable by calculating the time difference between the registration and production date for the sample units and afterwards estimates the parameter(s) of a supposed distribution, using maximum likelihood.


A named vector of estimated parameters for the specified distribution.


date_of_production   <- c("2014-07-28", "2014-02-17", "2014-07-14",
                          "2014-06-26", "2014-03-10", "2014-05-14",
                          "2014-05-06", "2014-03-07", "2014-03-09",
                          "2014-04-13", "2014-05-20", "2014-07-07",
                          "2014-01-27", "2014-01-30", "2014-03-17",
                          "2014-02-09", "2014-04-14", "2014-04-20",
                          "2014-03-13", "2014-02-23", "2014-04-03",
                          "2014-01-08", "2014-01-08")
date_of_registration <- c(NA, "2014-03-29", "2014-12-06", "2014-09-09",
                          NA, NA, "2014-06-16", NA, "2014-05-23",
                          "2014-05-09", "2014-05-31", NA, "2014-04-13",
                          NA, NA, "2014-03-12", NA, "2014-06-02",
                          NA, "2014-03-21", "2014-06-19", NA, NA)

params_delay_regist  <- dist_delay_register(
  date_prod = date_of_production,
  date_register = date_of_registration,
  distribution = "lognormal"

Parameter Estimation of the Delay in Report Distribution



dist_delay_report()is no longer under active development, switching to dist_delay is recommended.


dist_delay_report(date_repair, date_report, distribution = "lognormal")



a vector of class character or Date, in the format "yyyy-mm-dd", indicating the date of repair of a failed unit. Use NA for missing elements.


a vector of class character or Date, in the format "yyyy-mm-dd", indicating the date of report of a failed unit. Use NA for missing elements.


Supposed distribution of the random variable. Only "lognormal"is implemented.


This function introduces a delay random variable by calculating the time difference between the report and repair date for the sample units and afterwards estimates the parameter(s) of a supposed distribution, using maximum likelihood.


A named vector of estimated parameters for the specified distribution.


date_of_repair <- c(NA, "2014-09-15", "2015-07-04", "2015-04-10", NA,
                    NA, "2015-04-24", NA, "2015-04-25", "2015-04-24",
                    "2015-06-12", NA, "2015-05-04", NA, NA,
                    "2015-05-22", NA, "2015-09-17", NA, "2015-08-15",
                    "2015-11-26", NA, NA)

date_of_report <- c(NA, "2014-10-09", "2015-08-28", "2015-04-15", NA,
                    NA, "2015-05-16", NA, "2015-05-28", "2015-05-15",
                    "2015-07-11", NA, "2015-08-14", NA, NA,
                    "2015-06-05", NA, "2015-10-17", NA, "2015-08-21",
                    "2015-12-02", NA, NA)

params_delay_report  <- dist_delay_report(
  date_repair = date_of_repair,
  date_report = date_of_report,
  distribution = "lognormal"

Parameter Estimation of a Delay Distribution


This function models a delay (in days) random variable (e.g. in logistic, registration, report) using a supposed continuous distribution. First, the element-wise differences in days of both vectors date_1 and date_2 are calculated and then the parameter(s) of the assumed distribution is (are) estimated with maximum likelihood. See 'Details' for more information.


## Default S3 method:
dist_delay(..., date_1, date_2, distribution = c("lognormal", "exponential"))



Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


A vector of class character or Date, in the format "yyyy-mm-dd", representing the earlier of the two dates belonging to a particular delay. Use NA for missing elements.

If more than one delay is to be considered, use a list where the first element is the earlier date of the first delay, the second element is the earlier date of the second delay, and so forth (see 'Examples').


A vector of class character or Date in the format "yyyy-mm-dd". date_2 is the counterpart of date_1 and is used the same as date_1, just with the later date(s) of the particular delay(s). Use NA for missing elements.


Supposed distribution of the respective delay.


The distribution parameter(s) is (are) determined on the basis of complete cases, i.e. there is no NA in one of the related vector elements c(date_1[i], date_2[i]). Time differences less than or equal to zero are not considered as well.


A list with class wt_delay_estimation which contains:

  • coefficients : A named vector of estimated parameter(s).

  • delay : A numeric vector of element-wise computed differences in days.

  • distribution : Specified distribution.

If more than one delay was considered, the resulting output is a list with class wt_delay_estimation_list. In this case each list element has class wt_delay_estimation and the items listed above, are included.

See Also



# Example 1 - Delay in registration:
params_delay_regist  <- dist_delay(
  date_1 = field_data$production_date,
  date_2 = field_data$registration_date,
  distribution = "lognormal"

# Example 2 - Delay in report:
params_delay_report  <- dist_delay(
  date_1 = field_data$repair_date,
  date_2 = field_data$report_date,
  distribution = "exponential"

# Example 3 - Delays in registration and report with same distribution:
params_delays  <- dist_delay(
  date_1 = list(field_data$production_date, field_data$repair_date),
  date_2 = list(field_data$registration_date, field_data$report_date),
  distribution = "lognormal"

# Example 4 - Delays in registration and report with different distributions:
params_delays_2  <- dist_delay(
  date_1 = list(field_data$production_date, field_data$repair_date),
  date_2 = list(field_data$registration_date, field_data$report_date),
  distribution = c("lognormal", "exponential")

Parameter Estimation of an Annual Mileage Distribution


This function models a mileage random variable on an annual basis with respect to a supposed continuous distribution. First, the distances are calculated for one year (365 days) using a linear relationship between the distance and operating time. Second, the parameter(s) of the assumed distribution are estimated with maximum likelihood. See 'Details' for more information.


dist_mileage(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wt_mcs_mileage_data'
dist_mileage(x, distribution = c("lognormal", "exponential"), ...)



A tibble of class wt_mcs_mileage_data returned by mcs_mileage_data.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


Supposed distribution of the annual mileage.


The distribution parameter(s) is (are) determined on the basis of complete cases, i.e. there is no NA (row-wise) in one of the related columns mileage and time. Distances and operating times less than or equal to zero are not considered as well.

Assumption of linear relationship: Imagine a component in a vehicle has endured a distance of 25000 kilometers (km) in 500 days (d), the annual distance of this unit is

25000km(365d500d)=18250km25000 km \cdot (\frac{365 d} {500 d}) = 18250 km


A list with class wt_mileage_estimation which contains:

  • coefficients : A named vector of estimated parameter(s).

  • miles_annual : A numeric vector of element-wise computed annual distances using the linear relationship described in 'Details'.

  • distribution : Specified distribution.


# MCS data preparation:
mcs_tbl <- mcs_mileage_data(
  mileage = mileage,
  time = dis,
  status = status,
  id = vin

# Example 1 - Assuming lognormal annual mileage distribution:
params_mileage_annual <- dist_mileage(
  x = mcs_tbl,
  distribution = "lognormal"

# Example 2 - Assuming exponential annual mileage distribution:
params_mileage_annual_2 <- dist_mileage(
  x = mcs_tbl,
  distribution = "exponential"

Parameter Estimation of an Annual Mileage Distribution


This function models a mileage random variable on an annual basis with respect to a supposed continuous distribution. First, the distances are calculated for one year (365 days) using a linear relationship between the distance and operating time. Second, the parameter(s) of the assumed distribution are estimated with maximum likelihood. See 'Details' for more information.


## Default S3 method:
dist_mileage(x, time, distribution = c("lognormal", "exponential"), ...)



A numeric vector of distances covered. Use NA for missing elements.


A numeric vector of operating times. Use NA for missing elements.


Supposed distribution of the annual mileage.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


The distribution parameter(s) is (are) determined on the basis of complete cases, i.e. there is no NA in one of the related vector elements c(mileage[i], time[i]). Distances and operating times less than or equal to zero are not considered as well.

Assumption of linear relationship: Imagine a component in a vehicle has endured a distance of 25000 kilometers (km) in 500 days (d), the annual distance of this unit is

25000km(365d500d)=18250km25000 km \cdot (\frac{365 d} {500 d}) = 18250 km


A list with class wt_mileage_estimation which contains:

  • coefficients : A named vector of estimated parameter(s).

  • miles_annual : A numeric vector of element-wise computed annual distances using the linear relationship described in 'Details'.

  • distribution : Specified distribution.

See Also



# Example 1 - Assuming lognormal annual mileage distribution:
params_mileage_annual <- dist_mileage(
  x = field_data$mileage,
  time = field_data$dis,
  distribution = "lognormal"

# Example 2 - Assuming exponential annual mileage distribution:
params_mileage_annual_2 <- dist_mileage(
  x = field_data$mileage,
  time = field_data$dis,
  distribution = "exponential"

Estimation of Failure Probabilities


This function applies a non-parametric method to estimate the failure probabilities of complete data taking (multiple) right-censored observations into account.


estimate_cdf(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wt_reliability_data'
  methods = c("mr", "johnson", "kaplan", "nelson"),
  options = list(),



A tibble with class wt_reliability_data returned by reliability_data.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


One or multiple methods of "mr", "johnson", "kaplan" or "nelson" used for the estimation of failure probabilities. See 'Details'.


A list of named options. See 'Options'.


One or multiple techniques can be used for the methods argument:

  • "mr" : Method Median Ranks is used to estimate the failure probabilities of failed units without considering censored items. Tied observations can be handled in three ways (See 'Options'):

    • "max" : Highest observed rank is assigned to tied observations.

    • "min" : Lowest observed rank is assigned to tied observations.

    • "average" : Mean rank is assigned to tied observations.

    Two formulas can be used to determine cumulative failure probabilities F(t) (See 'Options'):

    • "benard" : Benard's approximation for Median Ranks.

    • "invbeta" : Exact Median Ranks using the inverse beta distribution.

  • "johnson" : The Johnson method is used to estimate the failure probabilities of failed units, taking censored units into account. Compared to complete data, correction of probabilities is done by the computation of adjusted ranks. Two formulas can be used to determine cumulative failure probabilities F(t) (See 'Options'):

    • "benard" : Benard's approximation for Median Ranks.

    • "invbeta" : Exact Median Ranks using the inverse beta distribution.

  • "kaplan" : The method of Kaplan and Meier is used to estimate the survival function S(t) with respect to (multiple) right censored data. The complement of S(t), i.e. F(t), is returned. In contrast to the original Kaplan-Meier estimator, one modification is made (see 'References').

  • "nelson" : The Nelson-Aalen estimator models the cumulative hazard rate function in case of (multiple) right censored data. Equating the formal definition of the hazard rate with that according to Nelson-Aalen results in a formula for the calculation of failure probabilities.


A tibble with class wt_cdf_estimation containing the following columns:

  • id : Identification for every unit.

  • x : Lifetime characteristic.

  • status : Binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).

  • rank : The (computed) ranks. Determined for methods "mr" and "johnson", filled with NA for other methods or if status = 0.

  • prob : Estimated failure probabilities, NA if status = 0.

  • cdf_estimation_method : Specified method for the estimation of failure probabilities.


Argument options is a named list of options:

Method Name Value
mr mr_method "benard" (default) or "invbeta"
mr mr_ties.method "max" (default), "min" or "average"
johnson johnson_method "benard" (default) or "invbeta"


NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods, Empirical model fitting - distribution free (Kaplan-Meier) approach, NIST SEMATECH, December 3, 2020


# Reliability data:
data <- reliability_data(
  x = cycles,
  status = status

# Example 1 - Johnson method:
prob_tbl <- estimate_cdf(
  x = data,
  methods = "johnson"

# Example 2 - Multiple methods:
prob_tbl_2 <- estimate_cdf(
  x = data,
  methods = c("johnson", "kaplan", "nelson")

# Example 3 - Method 'mr' with options:
prob_tbl_3 <- estimate_cdf(
  x = data,
  methods = "mr",
  options = list(
    mr_method = "invbeta",
    mr_ties.method = "average"

# Example 4 - Multiple methods and options:
prob_tbl_4 <- estimate_cdf(
  x = data,
  methods = c("mr", "johnson"),
  options = list(
    mr_ties.method = "max",
    johnson_method = "invbeta"

Estimation of Failure Probabilities


This function applies a non-parametric method to estimate the failure probabilities of complete data taking (multiple) right-censored observations into account.


## Default S3 method:
  id = NULL,
  method = c("mr", "johnson", "kaplan", "nelson"),
  options = list(),



A numeric vector which consists of lifetime data. Lifetime data could be every characteristic influencing the reliability of a product, e.g. operating time (days/months in service), mileage (km, miles), load cycles.


A vector of binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether unit i is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).


A vector for the identification of every unit. Default is NULL.


Method used for the estimation of failure probabilities. See 'Details'.


A list of named options. See 'Options'.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


The following techniques can be used for the method argument:

  • "mr" : Method Median Ranks is used to estimate the failure probabilities of failed units without considering censored items. Tied observations can be handled in three ways (See 'Options'):

    • "max" : Highest observed rank is assigned to tied observations.

    • "min" : Lowest observed rank is assigned to tied observations.

    • "average" : Mean rank is assigned to tied observations.

    Two formulas can be used to determine cumulative failure probabilities F(t) (See 'Options'):

    • "benard" : Benard's approximation for Median Ranks.

    • "invbeta" : Exact Median Ranks using the inverse beta distribution.

  • "johnson" : The Johnson method is used to estimate the failure probabilities of failed units, taking censored units into account. Compared to complete data, correction of probabilities is done by the computation of adjusted ranks. Two formulas can be used to determine cumulative failure probabilities F(t) (See 'Options'):

    • "benard" : Benard's approximation for Median Ranks.

    • "invbeta" : Exact Median Ranks using the inverse beta distribution.

  • "kaplan" : The method of Kaplan and Meier is used to estimate the survival function S(t) with respect to (multiple) right censored data. The complement of S(t), i.e. F(t), is returned. In contrast to the original Kaplan-Meier estimator, one modification is made (see 'References').

  • "nelson" : The Nelson-Aalen estimator models the cumulative hazard rate function in case of (multiple) right censored data. Equating the formal definition of the hazard rate with that according to Nelson-Aalen results in a formula for the calculation of failure probabilities.


A tibble with class wt_cdf_estimation containing the following columns:

  • id : Identification for every unit.

  • x : Lifetime characteristic.

  • status : Binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).

  • rank : The (computed) ranks. Determined for methods "mr" and "johnson", filled with NA for other methods or if status = 0.

  • prob : Estimated failure probabilities, NA if status = 0.

  • cdf_estimation_method : Specified method for the estimation of failure probabilities.


Argument options is a named list of options:

Method Name Value
mr mr_method "benard" (default) or "invbeta"
mr mr_ties.method "max" (default), "min" or "average"
johnson johnson_method "benard" (default) or "invbeta"


NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods, Empirical model fitting - distribution free (Kaplan-Meier) approach, NIST SEMATECH, December 3, 2020

See Also



# Vectors:
cycles <- alloy$cycles
status <- alloy$status

# Example 1 - Johnson method:
prob_tbl <- estimate_cdf(
  x = cycles,
  status = status,
  method = "johnson"

# Example 2 - Method 'mr' with options:
prob_tbl_2 <- estimate_cdf(
  x = cycles,
  status = status,
  method = "mr",
  options = list(
    mr_method = "invbeta",
    mr_ties.method = "average"

Field Data


An illustrative field dataset that contains a variety of variables commonly collected in the automotive sector.

The dataset has complete information about failed and incomplete information about intact vehicles. See 'Format' and 'Details' for further insights.




A tibble with 10,684 rows and 20 variables:


Vehicle identification number.


Days in service.


Distances covered, which are unknown for censored units.


1 for failed and 0 for censored units.


Date of production.


Date of registration. Known for all failed units and for a few intact units.


The date on which the failure was repaired. It is assumed that the repair date is equal to the date of failure occurrence.


The date on which lifetime information about the failure were available.


Delivering country.


The region within the country of delivery. Known for registered vehicles, NA for units with a missing registration_date.


Climatic zone based on "Köppen-Geiger" climate classification. Known for registered vehicles, NA for units with a missing registration_date.


Climatic subzone based on "Köppen-Geiger" climate classification. Known for registered vehicles, NA for units with a registration_date.


Brand of the vehicle.


Model of the vehicle.


Type of the engine.


Date where the engine was installed.


Type of the gear.


Date where the gear was installed.


Transmission of the vehicle.


Vehicle fuel.


All vehicles were produced in 2014 and an analysis of the field data was made at the end of 2015. At the date of analysis, there were 684 failed and 10,000 intact vehicles.

Censored vehicles:

For censored units the service time (dis) was computed as the difference of the date of analysis "2015-12-31" and the registration_date.

For many units the latter date is unknown. For these, the difference of the analysis date and production_date was used to get a rough estimation of the real service time. This uncertainty has to be considered in the subsequent analysis (see delay in registration in the section 'Details' of mcs_delay).

Furthermore, due to the delay in report, the computed service time could also be inaccurate. This uncertainty should be considered as well (see delay in report in the section 'Details' of mcs_delay).

The lifetime characteristic mileage is unknown for all censored units. If an analysis is to be made for this lifetime characteristic, covered distances for these units have to be estimated (see mcs_mileage).

Failed vehicles: For failed units the service time (dis) is computed as the difference of repair_date and registration_date, which are known for all of them.

See Also


Estimation of Failure Probabilities using Johnson's Method



johnson_method() is no longer under active development, switching to estimate_cdf is recommended.


johnson_method(x, status, id = NULL, method = c("benard", "invbeta"))



A numeric vector which consists of lifetime data. Lifetime data could be every characteristic influencing the reliability of a product, e.g. operating time (days/months in service), mileage (km, miles), load cycles.


A vector of binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).


A vector for the identification of every unit. Default is NULL.


Method for the estimation of the cdf. Can be "benard" (default) or "invbeta".


This non-parametric approach is used to estimate the failure probabilities in terms of uncensored or (multiple) right censored data. Compared to complete data the correction is done by calculating adjusted ranks which takes non-defective units into account.


A tibble containing the following columns:

  • id : Identification for every unit.

  • x : Lifetime characteristic.

  • status : Binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).

  • rank : Adjusted ranks, NA if status = 0.

  • prob : Estimated failure probabilities, NA if status = 0.

  • cdf_estimation_method : Specified method for the estimation of failure probabilities (always 'johnson').


# Vectors:
obs   <- seq(10000, 100000, 10000)
state <- c(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
uic   <- c("3435", "1203", "958X", "XX71", "abcd", "tz46",
           "fl29", "AX23", "Uy12", "kl1a")

# Example 1 - Johnson method for intact and failed units:
tbl_john <- johnson_method(
  x = obs,
  status = state,
  id = uic

# Example 2 - Johnson's method works also if only defective units are considered:
tbl_john_2 <- johnson_method(
  x = obs,
  status = rep(1, length(obs))

Estimation of Failure Probabilities using the Kaplan-Meier Estimator



kaplan_method() is no longer under active development, switching to estimate_cdf is recommended.


kaplan_method(x, status, id = NULL)



A numeric vector which consists of lifetime data. Lifetime data could be every characteristic influencing the reliability of a product, e.g. operating time (days/months in service), mileage (km, miles), load cycles.


A vector of binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).


A vector for the identification of every unit. Default is NULL.


Whereas the non-parametric Kaplan-Meier estimator is used to estimate the survival function S(t) in terms of (multiple) right censored data, the complement is an estimate of the cumulative distribution function F(t). One modification is made in contrast to the original Kaplan-Meier estimator (see 'References').


A tibble containing the following columns:

  • id : Identification for every unit.

  • x : Lifetime characteristic.

  • status : Binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).

  • rank : Filled with NA.

  • prob : Estimated failure probabilities, NA if status = 0.

  • cdf_estimation_method : Specified method for the estimation of failure probabilities (always 'kaplan').


NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods, Empirical model fitting - distribution free (Kaplan-Meier) approach, NIST SEMATECH, December 3, 2020


# Vectors:
obs   <- seq(10000, 100000, 10000)
state <- c(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
state_2 <- c(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1)
uic   <- c("3435", "1203", "958X", "XX71", "abcd", "tz46",
           "fl29", "AX23","Uy12", "kl1a")

# Example 1 - Observation with highest characteristic is an intact unit:
tbl_kap <- kaplan_method(
  x = obs,
  status = state,
  id = uic

# Example 2 - Observation with highest characteristic is a defective unit:
tbl_kap_2 <- kaplan_method(
  x = obs,
  status = state_2

Log-Likelihood Function for Parametric Lifetime Distributions


This function computes the log-likelihood value with respect to a given set of parameters. In terms of Maximum Likelihood Estimation this function can be optimized (optim) to estimate the parameters and variance-covariance matrix of the parameters.


loglik_function(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wt_reliability_data'
  wts = rep(1, nrow(x)),
  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic", "sev", "normal", "logistic",
    "weibull3", "lognormal3", "loglogistic3", "exponential", "exponential2"),



A tibble with class wt_reliability_data returned by reliability_data.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


Optional vector of case weights. The length of wts must be equal to the number of observations in x.


A vector of parameters. An overview of the distribution-specific parameters can be found in section 'Distributions'.


Supposed distribution of the random variable.


Returns the log-likelihood value for the parameters in dist_params given the data.


The following table summarizes the available distributions and their parameters

  • location parameter μ\mu,

  • scale parameter σ\sigma or θ\theta and

  • threshold parameter γ\gamma.

The order within dist_params is given in the table header.

distribution dist_params[1] dist_params[2] dist_params[3]
"sev" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"weibull" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"weibull3" μ\mu σ\sigma γ\gamma
"normal" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"lognormal" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"lognormal3" μ\mu σ\sigma γ\gamma
"logistic" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"loglogistic" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"loglogistic3" μ\mu σ\sigma γ\gamma
"exponential" θ\theta - -
"exponential2" θ\theta γ\gamma -


Meeker, William Q; Escobar, Luis A., Statistical methods for reliability data, New York: Wiley series in probability and statistics, 1998


# Reliability data preparation:
data <- reliability_data(
  x = cycles,
  status = status

# Example 1 - Evaluating Log-Likelihood function of two-parametric weibull:
loglik_weib <- loglik_function(
  x = data,
  dist_params = c(5.29, 0.33),
  distribution = "weibull"

# Example 2 - Evaluating Log-Likelihood function of three-parametric weibull:
loglik_weib3 <- loglik_function(
  x = data,
  dist_params = c(4.54, 0.76, 92.99),
  distribution = "weibull3"

Log-Likelihood Function for Parametric Lifetime Distributions


This function computes the log-likelihood value with respect to a given set of parameters. In terms of Maximum Likelihood Estimation this function can be optimized (optim) to estimate the parameters and variance-covariance matrix of the parameters.


## Default S3 method:
  wts = rep(1, length(x)),
  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic", "sev", "normal", "logistic",
    "weibull3", "lognormal3", "loglogistic3", "exponential", "exponential2"),



A numeric vector which consists of lifetime data. Lifetime data could be every characteristic influencing the reliability of a product, e.g. operating time (days/months in service), mileage (km, miles), load cycles.


A vector of binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).


Optional vector of case weights. The length of wts must be equal to the number of observations in x.


A vector of parameters. An overview of the distribution-specific parameters can be found in section 'Distributions'.


Supposed distribution of the random variable.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


Returns the log-likelihood value for the parameters in dist_params given the data.


The following table summarizes the available distributions and their parameters

  • location parameter μ\mu,

  • scale parameter σ\sigma or θ\theta and

  • threshold parameter γ\gamma.

The order within dist_params is given in the table header.

distribution dist_params[1] dist_params[2] dist_params[3]
"sev" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"weibull" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"weibull3" μ\mu σ\sigma γ\gamma
"normal" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"lognormal" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"lognormal3" μ\mu σ\sigma γ\gamma
"logistic" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"loglogistic" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"loglogistic3" μ\mu σ\sigma γ\gamma
"exponential" θ\theta - -
"exponential2" θ\theta γ\gamma -


Meeker, William Q; Escobar, Luis A., Statistical methods for reliability data, New York: Wiley series in probability and statistics, 1998

See Also



# Vectors:
cycles <- alloy$cycles
status <- alloy$status

# Example 1 - Evaluating Log-Likelihood function of two-parametric weibull:
loglik_weib <- loglik_function(
  x = cycles,
  status = status,
  dist_params = c(5.29, 0.33),
  distribution = "weibull"

# Example 2 - Evaluating Log-Likelihood function of three-parametric weibull:
loglik_weib3 <- loglik_function(
  x = cycles,
  status = status,
  dist_params = c(4.54, 0.76, 92.99),
  distribution = "weibull3"

Log-Likelihood Profile Function for Parametric Lifetime Distributions with Threshold


This function evaluates the log-likelihood with respect to a given threshold parameter of a parametric lifetime distribution. In terms of Maximum Likelihood Estimation this function can be optimized (optim) to estimate the threshold parameter.


loglik_profiling(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wt_reliability_data'
  wts = rep(1, nrow(x)),
  distribution = c("weibull3", "lognormal3", "loglogistic3", "exponential2"),



A tibble with class wt_reliability_data returned by reliability_data.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


Optional vector of case weights. The length of wts must be equal to the number of observations in x.


A numeric value for the threshold parameter.


Supposed parametric distribution of the random variable.


Returns the log-likelihood value for the threshold parameter thres given the data.


Meeker, William Q; Escobar, Luis A., Statistical methods for reliability data, New York: Wiley series in probability and statistics, 1998


# Reliability data preparation:
data <- reliability_data(
  x = cycles,
  status = status

# Determining the optimal loglikelihood value:
## Range of threshold parameter must be smaller than the first failure:
threshold <- seq(
  min(data$x[data$status == 1]) - 0.1,
  length.out = 50

## loglikelihood value with respect to threshold values:
profile_logL <- loglik_profiling(
  x = data,
  thres = threshold,
  distribution = "weibull3"

## Threshold value (among the candidates) that maximizes the
## loglikelihood:

## plot:
  type = "l"
  v = threshold[which.max(profile_logL)],
  h = max(profile_logL),
  col = "red"

Log-Likelihood Profile Function for Parametric Lifetime Distributions with Threshold


This function evaluates the log-likelihood with respect to a given threshold parameter of a parametric lifetime distribution. In terms of Maximum Likelihood Estimation this function can be optimized (optim) to estimate the threshold parameter.


## Default S3 method:
  wts = rep(1, length(x)),
  distribution = c("weibull3", "lognormal3", "loglogistic3", "exponential2"),



A numeric vector which consists of lifetime data. Lifetime data could be every characteristic influencing the reliability of a product, e.g. operating time (days/months in service), mileage (km, miles), load cycles.


A vector of binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).


Optional vector of case weights. The length of wts must be equal to the number of observations in x.


A numeric value for the threshold parameter.


Supposed parametric distribution of the random variable.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


Returns the log-likelihood value for the threshold parameter thres given the data.


Meeker, William Q; Escobar, Luis A., Statistical methods for reliability data, New York: Wiley series in probability and statistics, 1998

See Also



# Vectors:
cycles <- alloy$cycles
status <- alloy$status

# Determining the optimal loglikelihood value:
## Range of threshold parameter must be smaller than the first failure:
threshold <- seq(
  min(cycles[status == 1]) - 0.1,
  length.out = 50

## loglikelihood value with respect to threshold values:
profile_logL <- loglik_profiling(
  x = cycles,
  status = status,
  thres = threshold,
  distribution = "weibull3"

## Threshold value (among the candidates) that maximizes the
## loglikelihood:

## plot:
  type = "l"
  v = threshold[which.max(profile_logL)],
  h = max(profile_logL),
  col = "red"

Adjustment of Operating Times by Delays using a Monte Carlo Approach


In general, the amount of available information about units in the field is very different. During the warranty period, there are only a few cases with complete data (mainly failed units) but lots of cases with incomplete data (usually censored units). As a result, the operating time of units with incomplete information is often inaccurate and must be adjusted by delays.

This function reduces the operating times of incomplete observations by simulated delays (in days). A unit is considered as incomplete if the later of the related dates is unknown. See 'Details' for some practical examples.

Random delay numbers are drawn from the distribution determined by complete cases (described in 'Details' of dist_delay).



## S3 method for class 'wt_mcs_delay_data'
mcs_delay(..., x, distribution = c("lognormal", "exponential"))



Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


A tibble with class wt_mcs_delay_data returned by mcs_delay_data.


Supposed distribution of the respective delay.


In field data analysis time-dependent characteristics (e.g. time in service) are often imprecisely recorded. These inaccuracies are caused by unconsidered delays.

For a better understanding of the MCS application in the context of field data, two cases are described below.

  • Delay in registration: It is common that a supplier, which provides parts to the manufacturing industry does not know when the unit, in which its parts are installed, were put in service (due to unknown registration or sales date (date_2)). Without taking the described delay into account, the time in service of the failed units would be the difference between the repair date and the production date (date_1) and for intact units the difference between the present date and the production date. But the real operating times are (much) shorter, since the stress on the components have not started until the whole systems were put in service. Hence, units with incomplete data (missing date_2) must be reduced by the delays.

  • Delay in report:: Authorized repairers often do not immediately notify the manufacturer or OEM of repairs that were made during the warranty period, but instead pass the information about these repairs in collected forms e.g. weekly, monthly or quarterly. The resulting time difference between the reporting (date_2) of the repair in the guarantee database and the actual repair date (date_1), which is often assumed to be the failure date, is called the reporting delay. For a given date where the analysis is made there could be units which had a failure but the failure isn't reported and therefore they are treated as censored units. In order to take this into account and according to the principle of equal opportunities, the lifetime of units with missing report date (date_2[i] = NA) is reduced by simulated reporting delays.


A list with class wt_mcs_delay containing the following elements:

  • data : A tibble returned by mcs_delay_data where two modifications has been made:

    • If the column status exists, the tibble has additional classes wt_mcs_data and wt_reliability_data. Otherwise, the tibble only has the additional class wt_mcs_data (which is not supported by estimate_cdf).

    • The column time is renamed to x (to be in accordance with reliability_data) and contains the adjusted operating times for incomplete observations and input operating times for the complete observations.

  • sim_data : A tibble with column sim_delay that holds the simulated delay-specific numbers for incomplete cases and 0 for complete cases. If more than one delay was considered multiple columns with names sim_delay_1, sim_delay_2, ..., sim_delay_i and corresponding delay-specific random numbers are presented.

  • model_estimation : A list returned by dist_delay.


Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA); Qualitätsmanagement in der Automobilindustrie. Zuverlässigkeitssicherung bei Automobilherstellern und Lieferanten. Zuverlässigkeits-Methoden und -Hilfsmittel.; 4th Edition, 2016, ISSN:0943-9412

See Also

dist_delay for the determination of a parametric delay distribution and estimate_cdf for the estimation of failure probabilities.


# MCS data preparation:
## Data for delay in registration:
mcs_tbl_1 <- mcs_delay_data(
  date_1 = production_date,
  date_2 = registration_date,
  time = dis,
  status = status,
  id = vin

## Data for delay in report:
mcs_tbl_2 <- mcs_delay_data(
  date_1 = repair_date,
  date_2 = report_date,
  time = dis,
  status = status,
  id = vin

## Data for both delays:
mcs_tbl_both <- mcs_delay_data(
  date_1 = c(production_date, repair_date),
  date_2 = c(registration_date, report_date),
  time = dis,
  status = status,
  id = vin

# Example 1 - MCS for delay in registration:
mcs_regist <- mcs_delay(
  x = mcs_tbl_1,
  distribution = "lognormal"

# Example 2 - MCS for delay in report:
mcs_report <- mcs_delay(
  x = mcs_tbl_2,
  distribution = "exponential"

# Example 3 - Reproducibility of random numbers:
mcs_report_reproduce <- mcs_delay(
  x = mcs_tbl_2,
  distribution = "exponential"

# Example 4 - MCS for delays in registration and report with same distribution:
mcs_delays <- mcs_delay(
  x = mcs_tbl_both,
  distribution = "lognormal"

# Example 5 - MCS for delays in registration and report with different distributions:
## Assuming lognormal registration and exponential reporting delays.
mcs_delays_2 <- mcs_delay(
  x = mcs_tbl_both,
  distribution = c("lognormal", "exponential")

MCS Delay Data


Create consistent mcs_delay_data based on an existing data.frame (preferred) or on multiple equal length vectors.


  data = NULL,
  status = NULL,
  id = NULL,
  .keep_all = FALSE



Either NULL or a data.frame. If data is NULL, date_1, date_2, time, status and id must be vectors containing the data. Otherwise date_1, date_2, time, status and id can be either column names or column positions.


A date of class character or Date in the format "yyyy-mm-dd", representing the earlier of the two dates belonging to a particular delay. Use NA for missing elements.

If more than one delay is to be considered, use a list for the vector-based approach and a vector of column names or positions for the data-based approach. The first element is the earlier date of the first delay, the second element is the earlier date of the second delay, and so forth (see 'Examples').


A date of class character or Date in the format "yyyy-mm-dd". date_2 is the counterpart of date_1 and is used the same as date_1, just with the later date(s) of the particular delay(s). Use NA for missing elements.


Operating times. Use NA for missing elements.


Optional argument. If used, it must contain binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).

If status is provided, class wt_reliability_data is assigned to the output of mcs_delay, which enables the direct application of estimate_cdf on operating times.


Identification of every unit.


If TRUE keep remaining variables in data.


A tibble with class wt_mcs_delay_data that is formed for the downstream Monte Carlo method mcs_delay. It contains the following columns (if .keep_all = FALSE):

  • Column(s) preserving the input of date_1. For the vector-based approach with unnamed input, column name(s) is (are) date_1 (date_1.1, date_1.2, ..., date_1.i).

  • Column(s) preserving the input of date_2. For the vector-based approach with unnamed input, column name(s) is (are) date_2 (date_2.1, date_2.2, ..., date_2.i).

  • time : Input operating times.

  • status (optional) :

    • If is.null(status) column status does not exist.

    • If status is provided the column contains the entered binary data (0 or 1).

  • id : Identification for every unit.

If .keep_all = TRUE, the remaining columns of data are also preserved.

The attributes mcs_start_dates and mcs_end_dates hold the name(s) of the column(s) that preserve the input of date_1 and date_2.

See Also

dist_delay for the determination of a parametric delay distribution and mcs_delay for the Monte Carlo method with respect to delays.


# Example 1 -  Based on an existing data.frame/tibble and column names:
mcs_tbl <- mcs_delay_data(
  data = field_data,
  date_1 = production_date,
  date_2 = registration_date,
  time = dis,
  status = status

# Example 2 - Based on an existing data.frame/tibble and column positions:
mcs_tbl_2 <- mcs_delay_data(
  data = field_data,
  date_1 = 7,
  date_2 = 8,
  time = 2,
  id = 1

# Example 3 - Keep all variables of the tibble/data.frame entered to argument data:
mcs_tbl_3 <- mcs_delay_data(
  data = field_data,
  date_1 = production_date,
  date_2 = registration_date,
  time = dis,
  status = status,
  id = vin,
  .keep_all = TRUE

# Example 4 - For multiple delays (data-based):
mcs_tbl_4 <- mcs_delay_data(
  data = field_data,
  date_1 = c(production_date, repair_date),
  date_2 = c(registration_date, report_date),
  time = dis,
  status = status

# Example 5 - Based on vectors:
mcs_tbl_5 <- mcs_delay_data(
  date_1 = field_data$production_date,
  date_2 = field_data$registration_date,
  time = field_data$dis,
  status = field_data$status,
  id = field_data$vin

# Example 6 - For multiple delays (vector-based):
mcs_tbl_6 <- mcs_delay_data(
  date_1 = list(field_data$production_date, field_data$repair_date),
  date_2 = list(field_data$registration_date, field_data$report_date),
  time = field_data$dis,
  status = field_data$status,
  id = field_data$vin

# Example 7 - For multiple delays (vector-based with named dates):
mcs_tbl_7 <- mcs_delay_data(
  date_1 = list(d11 = field_data$production_date, d12 = field_data$repair_date),
  date_2 = list(d21 = field_data$registration_date, d22 = field_data$report_date),
  time = field_data$dis,
  status = field_data$status,
  id = field_data$vin

Adjustment of Operating Times by Delays in Registration using a Monte Carlo Approach



mcs_delay_register() is no longer under active development, switching to mcs_delay is recommended.


  distribution = "lognormal",
  details = FALSE



A vector of class character or Date, in the format "yyyy-mm-dd", indicating the date of production of a unit. Use NA for missing elements.


A vector of class character or Date, in the format "yyyy-mm-dd", indicating the date of registration of a unit. Use NA for missing elements.


A numeric vector of operating times.


A vector of binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether unit i is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).


Supposed distribution of the random variable. Only "lognormal" is implemented.


A logical. If FALSE the output consists of a vector with corrected operating times for the censored units and the input operating times for the failed units. If TRUE the output consists of a detailed list, i.e the same vector as described before, simulated random numbers and estimated distribution parameters.


In general the amount of information about units in the field, that have not failed yet, are rare. For example it is common that a supplier, who provides parts to the automotive industry does not know when a vehicle was put in service and therefore does not know the exact operating time of the supplied parts. This function uses a Monte Carlo approach for simulating the operating times of (multiple) right censored observations, taking account of registering delays. The simulation is based on the distribution of operating times that were calculated from complete data (see dist_delay_register).


A numeric vector of corrected operating times for the censored units and the input operating times for the failed units if details = FALSE. If details = TRUE the output is a list which consists of the following elements:

  • time : Numeric vector of corrected operating times for the censored observations and input operating times for failed units.

  • x_sim : Simulated random numbers of specified distribution with estimated parameters. The length of x_sim is equal to the number of censored observations.

  • coefficients : Estimated coefficients of supposed distribution.


date_of_production   <- c("2014-07-28", "2014-02-17", "2014-07-14",
                          "2014-06-26", "2014-03-10", "2014-05-14",
                          "2014-05-06", "2014-03-07", "2014-03-09",
                          "2014-04-13", "2014-05-20", "2014-07-07",
                          "2014-01-27", "2014-01-30", "2014-03-17",
                          "2014-02-09", "2014-04-14", "2014-04-20",
                          "2014-03-13", "2014-02-23", "2014-04-03",
                          "2014-01-08", "2014-01-08")
date_of_registration <- c(NA, "2014-03-29", "2014-12-06", "2014-09-09",
                          NA, NA, "2014-06-16", NA, "2014-05-23",
                          "2014-05-09", "2014-05-31", NA, "2014-04-13",
                          NA, NA, "2014-03-12", NA, "2014-06-02",
                          NA, "2014-03-21", "2014-06-19", NA, NA)

op_time <- rep(1000, length(date_of_production))
status <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)

# Example 1 - Simplified vector output:
x_corrected <- mcs_delay_register(
  date_prod = date_of_production,
  date_register = date_of_registration,
  time = op_time,
  status = status,
  distribution = "lognormal",
  details = FALSE

# Example 2 - Detailed list output:
list_detail <- mcs_delay_register(
  date_prod = date_of_production,
  date_register = date_of_registration,
  time = op_time,
  status = status,
  distribution = "lognormal",
  details = TRUE

Adjustment of Operating Times by Delays in Report using a Monte Carlo Approach



mcs_delay_report() is no longer under active development, switching to mcs_delay is recommended.


  distribution = "lognormal",
  details = FALSE



a vector of class character or Date, in the format "yyyy-mm-dd", indicating the date of repair of a failed unit. Use NA for missing elements.


a vector of class character or Date, in the format "yyyy-mm-dd", indicating the date of report of a failed unit. Use NA for missing elements.


A numeric vector of operating times.


A vector of binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether unit i is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).


Supposed distribution of the random variable. Only "lognormal"is implemented.


A logical. If FALSE the output consists of a vector with corrected operating times for the censored units and the input operating times for the failed units. If TRUE the output consists of a detailed list, i.e the same vector as described before, simulated random numbers and estimated distribution parameters.


The delay in report describes the time between the occurrence of a damage and the registration in the warranty database. For a given date where the analysis is made there could be units which had a failure but are not registered in the database and therefore treated as censored units. To overcome this problem this function uses a Monte Carlo approach for simulating the operating times of (multiple) right censored observations, taking account of reporting delays. The simulation is based on the distribution of operating times that were calculated from complete data, i.e. failed items (see dist_delay_report).


A numeric vector of corrected operating times for the censored units and the input operating times for the failed units if details = FALSE. If details = TRUE the output is a list which consists of the following elements:

  • time : Numeric vector of corrected operating times for the censored observations and input operating times for failed units.

  • x_sim : Simulated random numbers of specified distribution with estimated parameters. The length of x_sim is equal to the number of censored observations.

  • coefficients : Estimated coefficients of supposed distribution.


date_of_repair <- c(NA, "2014-09-15", "2015-07-04", "2015-04-10", NA,
                   NA, "2015-04-24", NA, "2015-04-25", "2015-04-24",
                    "2015-06-12", NA, "2015-05-04", NA, NA,
                    "2015-05-22", NA, "2015-09-17", NA, "2015-08-15",
                    "2015-11-26", NA, NA)

date_of_report <- c(NA, "2014-10-09", "2015-08-28", "2015-04-15", NA,
                    NA, "2015-05-16", NA, "2015-05-28", "2015-05-15",
                    "2015-07-11", NA, "2015-08-14", NA, NA,
                    "2015-06-05", NA, "2015-10-17", NA, "2015-08-21",
                    "2015-12-02", NA, NA)

op_time <- rep(1000, length(date_of_repair))
status <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)

# Example 1 - Simplified vector output:
x_corrected <- mcs_delay_report(
  date_repair = date_of_repair,
  date_report = date_of_report,
  time = op_time,
  status = status,
  distribution = "lognormal",
  details = FALSE

# Example 2 - Detailed list output:
list_detail <- mcs_delay_report(
  date_repair = date_of_repair,
  date_report = date_of_report,
  time = op_time,
  status = status,
  distribution = "lognormal",
  details = TRUE

Adjustment of Operating Times by Delays using a Monte Carlo Approach


In general, the amount of available information about units in the field is very different. During the warranty period, there are only a few cases with complete data (mainly failed units) but lots of cases with incomplete data (usually censored units). As a result, the operating time of units with incomplete information is often inaccurate and must be adjusted by delays.

This function reduces the operating times of incomplete observations by simulated delays (in days). A unit is considered as incomplete if the later of the related dates is unknown. See 'Details' for some practical examples.

Random delay numbers are drawn from the distribution determined by complete cases (described in 'Details' of dist_delay).


## Default S3 method:
  status = NULL,
  id = paste0("ID", seq_len(length(time))),
  distribution = c("lognormal", "exponential")



Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


A vector of class character or Date, in the format "yyyy-mm-dd", representing the earlier of the two dates belonging to a particular delay. Use NA for missing elements.

If more than one delay is to be considered, use a list where the first element is the earlier date of the first delay, the second element is the earlier date of the second delay, and so forth (see 'Examples').


A vector of class character or Date in the format "yyyy-mm-dd". date_2 is the counterpart of date_1 and is used the same as date_1, just with the later date(s) of the particular delay(s). Use NA for missing elements.


Operating times. Use NA for missing elements.


Optional argument. If used, it must contain binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).

If status is provided, class wt_reliability_data is assigned to the output of mcs_delay, which enables the direct application of estimate_cdf on operating times.


Identification of every unit.


Supposed distribution of the respective delay.


In field data analysis time-dependent characteristics (e.g. time in service) are often imprecisely recorded. These inaccuracies are caused by unconsidered delays.

For a better understanding of the MCS application in the context of field data, two cases are described below.

  • Delay in registration: It is common that a supplier, which provides parts to the manufacturing industry does not know when the unit, in which its parts are installed, were put in service (due to unknown registration or sales date (date_2)). Without taking the described delay into account, the time in service of the failed units would be the difference between the repair date and the production date (date_1) and for intact units the difference between the present date and the production date. But the real operating times are (much) shorter, since the stress on the components have not started until the whole systems were put in service. Hence, units with incomplete data (missing date_2) must be reduced by the delays.

  • Delay in report:: Authorized repairers often do not immediately notify the manufacturer or OEM of repairs that were made during the warranty period, but instead pass the information about these repairs in collected forms e.g. weekly, monthly or quarterly. The resulting time difference between the reporting (date_2) of the repair in the guarantee database and the actual repair date (date_1), which is often assumed to be the failure date, is called the reporting delay. For a given date where the analysis is made there could be units which had a failure but the failure isn't reported and therefore they are treated as censored units. In order to take this into account and according to the principle of equal opportunities, the lifetime of units with missing report date (date_2[i] = NA) is reduced by simulated reporting delays.


A list with class wt_mcs_delay containing the following elements:

  • data : A tibble returned by mcs_delay_data where two modifications has been made:

    • If the column status exists, the tibble has additional classes wt_mcs_data and wt_reliability_data. Otherwise, the tibble only has the additional class wt_mcs_data (which is not supported by estimate_cdf).

    • The column time is renamed to x (to be in accordance with reliability_data) and contains the adjusted operating times for incomplete observations and input operating times for the complete observations.

  • sim_data : A tibble with column sim_delay that holds the simulated delay-specific numbers for incomplete cases and 0 for complete cases. If more than one delay was considered multiple columns with names sim_delay_1, sim_delay_2, ..., sim_delay_i and corresponding delay-specific random numbers are presented.

  • model_estimation : A list returned by dist_delay.


Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA); Qualitätsmanagement in der Automobilindustrie. Zuverlässigkeitssicherung bei Automobilherstellern und Lieferanten. Zuverlässigkeits-Methoden und -Hilfsmittel.; 4th Edition, 2016, ISSN:0943-9412

See Also

dist_delay for the determination of a parametric delay distribution and estimate_cdf for the estimation of failure probabilities.


# Example 1 - MCS for delay in registration:
mcs_regist <- mcs_delay(
  date_1 = field_data$production_date,
  date_2 = field_data$registration_date,
  time = field_data$dis,
  status = field_data$status,
  distribution = "lognormal"

# Example 2 - MCS for delay in report:
mcs_report <- mcs_delay(
  date_1 = field_data$repair_date,
  date_2 = field_data$report_date,
  time = field_data$dis,
  status = field_data$status,
  distribution = "exponential"

# Example 3 - Reproducibility of random numbers:
mcs_report_reproduce <- mcs_delay(
  date_1 = field_data$repair_date,
  date_2 = field_data$report_date,
  time = field_data$dis,
  status = field_data$status,
  distribution = "exponential"

# Example 4 - MCS for delays in registration and report with same distribution:
mcs_delays <- mcs_delay(
  date_1 = list(field_data$production_date, field_data$repair_date),
  date_2 = list(field_data$registration_date, field_data$report_date),
  time = field_data$dis,
  status = field_data$status,
  distribution = "lognormal"

# Example 5 - MCS for delays in registration and report with different distributions:
## Assuming lognormal registration and exponential reporting delays.
mcs_delays_2 <- mcs_delay(
  date_1 = list(field_data$production_date, field_data$repair_date),
  date_2 = list(field_data$registration_date, field_data$report_date),
  time = field_data$dis,
  status = field_data$status,
  distribution = c("lognormal", "exponential")

Adjustment of Operating Times by Delays using a Monte Carlo Approach



mcs_delays() is no longer under active development, switching to mcs_delay is recommended.


  distribution = "lognormal",
  details = FALSE



A vector of class character or Date, in the format "yyyy-mm-dd", indicating the date of production of a unit. Use NA for missing elements.


A vector of class character or Date, in the format "yyyy-mm-dd", indicating the date of registration of a unit. Use NA for missing elements.


a vector of class character or Date, in the format "yyyy-mm-dd", indicating the date of repair of a failed unit. Use NA for missing elements.


a vector of class character or Date, in the format "yyyy-mm-dd", indicating the date of report of a failed unit. Use NA for missing elements.


A numeric vector of operating times.


A vector of binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether unit i is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).


Supposed distribution of the random variable. Only "lognormal" is implemented.


A logical. If FALSE the output consists of a vector with corrected operating times for the censored units and the input operating times for the failed units. If TRUE the output consists of a detailed list, i.e the same vector as described before, simulated random numbers and estimated distribution parameters.


This function is a wrapper that combines both, mcs_delay_register and mcs_delay_report functions for the adjustment of operating times of censored units.


A numerical vector of corrected operating times for the censored units and the input operating times for the failed units if details = FALSE. If details = TRUE the output is a list which consists of the following elements:

  • time : A numeric vector of corrected operating times for the censored observations and input operating times for failed units.

  • x_sim_regist : Simulated random numbers of specified distribution with estimated parameters for delay in registration. The length of x_sim_regist is equal to the number of censored observations.

  • x_sim_report : Simulated random numbers of specified distribution with estimated parameters for delay in report. The length of x_sim_report is equal to the number of censored observations.

  • coefficients_regist : Estimated coefficients of supposed distribution for delay in registration.

  • coefficients_report : Estimated coefficients of supposed distribution for delay in report


date_of_production   <- c("2014-07-28", "2014-02-17", "2014-07-14",
                          "2014-06-26", "2014-03-10", "2014-05-14",
                          "2014-05-06", "2014-03-07", "2014-03-09",
                          "2014-04-13", "2014-05-20", "2014-07-07",
                          "2014-01-27", "2014-01-30", "2014-03-17",
                          "2014-02-09", "2014-04-14", "2014-04-20",
                          "2014-03-13", "2014-02-23", "2014-04-03",
                          "2014-01-08", "2014-01-08")
date_of_registration <- c("2014-08-17", "2014-03-29", "2014-12-06",
                          "2014-09-09", "2014-05-14", "2014-07-01",
                          "2014-06-16", "2014-04-03", "2014-05-23",
                          "2014-05-09", "2014-05-31", "2014-08-12",
                          "2014-04-13", "2014-02-15", "2014-07-07",
                          "2014-03-12", "2014-05-27", "2014-06-02",
                          "2014-05-20", "2014-03-21", "2014-06-19",
                          "2014-02-12", "2014-03-27")
date_of_repair <- c(NA, "2014-09-15", "2015-07-04", "2015-04-10", NA,
                   NA, "2015-04-24", NA, "2015-04-25", "2015-04-24",
                    "2015-06-12", NA, "2015-05-04", NA, NA,
                    "2015-05-22", NA, "2015-09-17", NA, "2015-08-15",
                    "2015-11-26", NA, NA)

date_of_report <- c(NA, "2014-10-09", "2015-08-28", "2015-04-15", NA,
                    NA, "2015-05-16", NA, "2015-05-28", "2015-05-15",
                    "2015-07-11", NA, "2015-08-14", NA, NA,
                    "2015-06-05", NA, "2015-10-17", NA, "2015-08-21",
                    "2015-12-02", NA, NA)

op_time <- rep(1000, length(date_of_repair))
status <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)

# Example 1 - Simplified vector output:
x_corrected <- mcs_delays(
  date_prod = date_of_production,
  date_register = date_of_registration,
  date_repair = date_of_repair,
  date_report = date_of_report,
  time = op_time,
  status = status,
  distribution = "lognormal",
  details = FALSE

# Example 2 - Detailed list output:
list_detail <- mcs_delays(
  date_prod = date_of_production,
  date_register = date_of_registration,
  date_repair = date_of_repair,
  date_report = date_of_report,
  time = op_time,
  status = status,
  distribution = "lognormal",
  details = TRUE

Simulation of Unknown Covered Distances using a Monte Carlo Approach


This function simulates distances for units where these are unknown.

First, random numbers of the annual mileage distribution, estimated by dist_mileage, are drawn. Second, the drawn annual distances are converted with respect to the actual operating times (in days) using a linear relationship. See 'Details'.


mcs_mileage(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wt_mcs_mileage_data'
mcs_mileage(x, distribution = c("lognormal", "exponential"), ...)



A tibble of class wt_mcs_mileage_data returned by mcs_mileage_data.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


Supposed distribution of the annual mileage.


Assumption of linear relationship: Imagine the distance of the vehicle is unknown. A distance of 3500.25 kilometers (km) was drawn from the annual distribution and the known operating time is 200 days (d). So the resulting distance of this vehicle is

3500.25km(200d365d)=1917.945km3500.25 km \cdot (\frac{200 d} {365 d}) = 1917.945 km


A list with class wt_mcs_mileage containing the following elements:

  • data : A tibble returned by mcs_mileage_data where two modifications has been made:

    • If the column status exists, the tibble has additional classes wt_mcs_data and wt_reliability_data. Otherwise, the tibble only has the additional class wt_mcs_data (which is not supported by estimate_cdf).

    • The column mileage is renamed to x (to be in accordance with reliability_data) and contains simulated distances for incomplete observations and input distances for the complete observations.

  • sim_data : A tibble with column sim_mileage that holds the simulated distances for incomplete cases and 0 for complete cases.

  • model_estimation : A list returned by dist_mileage.

See Also

dist_mileage for the determination of a parametric annual mileage distribution and estimate_cdf for the estimation of failure probabilities.


# MCS data preparation:
mcs_tbl <- mcs_mileage_data(
  mileage = mileage,
  time = dis,
  status = status,
  id = vin

# Example 1 - Reproducibility of drawn random numbers:
mcs_distances <- mcs_mileage(
  x = mcs_tbl,
  distribution = "lognormal"

# Example 2 - MCS for distances with exponential annual mileage distribution:
mcs_distances_2 <- mcs_mileage(
  x = mcs_tbl,
  distribution = "exponential"

# Example 3 - MCS for distances with downstream probability estimation:
## Apply 'estimate_cdf()' to *$data:
prob_estimation <- estimate_cdf(
  x = mcs_distances$data,
  methods = "kaplan"

## Apply 'plot_prob()':
plot_prob_estimation <- plot_prob(prob_estimation)

MCS Mileage Data


Create consistent mcs_mileage_data based on an existing data.frame (preferred) or on multiple equal length vectors


  data = NULL,
  status = NULL,
  id = NULL,
  .keep_all = FALSE



Either NULL or a data.frame. If data is NULL, mileage, time, status and id must be vectors containing the data. Otherwise mileage, time, status and id can be either column names or column positions.


Covered distances. Use NA for missing elements.


Operating times. Use NA for missing elements.


Optional argument. If used, it must contain binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).

If status is provided, class wt_reliability_data is assigned to the output of mcs_mileage, which enables the direct application of estimate_cdf on distances.


Identification of every unit.


If TRUE keep remaining variables in data.


A tibble with class wt_mcs_mileage_data that is formed for the downstream Monte Carlo method mcs_mileage. It contains the following columns (if .keep_all = FALSE):

  • mileage : Input mileages.

  • time : Input operating times.

  • status (optional) :

    • If is.null(status) column status does not exist.

    • If status is provided the column contains the entered binary data (0 or 1).

  • id : Identification for every unit.

If .keep_all = TRUE, the remaining columns of data are also preserved.

The attribute mcs_characteristic is set to "mileage".

See Also

dist_mileage for the determination of a parametric annual mileage distribution and mcs_mileage for the Monte Carlo method with respect to unknown distances.


# Example 1 -  Based on an existing data.frame/tibble and column names:
mcs_tbl <- mcs_mileage_data(
  data = field_data,
  mileage = mileage,
  time = dis,
  status = status

# Example 2 - Based on an existing data.frame/tibble and column positions:
mcs_tbl_2 <- mcs_mileage_data(
  data = field_data,
  mileage = 3,
  time = 2,
  id = 1

# Example 3 - Keep all variables of the tibble/data.frame entered to argument data:
mcs_tbl_3 <- mcs_mileage_data(
  data = field_data,
  mileage = mileage,
  time = dis,
  status = status,
  id = vin,
  .keep_all = TRUE

# Example 4 - Based on vectors:
mcs_tbl_4 <- mcs_mileage_data(
  mileage = field_data$mileage,
  time = field_data$dis,
  status = field_data$status,
  id = field_data$vin

Simulation of Unknown Covered Distances using a Monte Carlo Approach


This function simulates distances for units where these are unknown.

First, random numbers of the annual mileage distribution, estimated by dist_mileage, are drawn. Second, the drawn annual distances are converted with respect to the actual operating times (in days) using a linear relationship. See 'Details'.


## Default S3 method:
  status = NULL,
  id = paste0("ID", seq_len(length(time))),
  distribution = c("lognormal", "exponential"),



A numeric vector of distances covered. Use NA for missing elements.


A numeric vector of operating times. Use NA for missing elements.


Optional argument. If used, it must contain binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).

If status is provided, class wt_reliability_data is assigned to the output of mcs_mileage, which enables the direct application of estimate_cdf on distances.


Identification of every unit.


Supposed distribution of the annual mileage.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


Assumption of linear relationship: Imagine the distance of the vehicle is unknown. A distance of 3500.25 kilometers (km) was drawn from the annual distribution and the known operating time is 200 days (d). So the resulting distance of this vehicle is

3500.25km(200d365d)=1917.945km3500.25 km \cdot (\frac{200 d} {365 d}) = 1917.945 km


A list with class wt_mcs_mileage containing the following elements:

  • data : A tibble returned by mcs_mileage_data where two modifications has been made:

    • If the column status exists, the tibble has additional classes wt_mcs_data and wt_reliability_data. Otherwise, the tibble only has the additional class wt_mcs_data (which is not supported by estimate_cdf).

    • The column mileage is renamed to x (to be in accordance with reliability_data) and contains simulated distances for incomplete observations and input distances for the complete observations.

  • sim_data : A tibble with column sim_mileage that holds the simulated distances for incomplete cases and 0 for complete cases.

  • model_estimation : A list returned by dist_mileage.

See Also

dist_mileage for the determination of a parametric annual mileage distribution and estimate_cdf for the estimation of failure probabilities.


# Example 1 - Reproducibility of drawn random numbers:
mcs_distances <- mcs_mileage(
  x = field_data$mileage,
  time = field_data$dis,
  status = field_data$status,
  id = field_data$vin,
  distribution = "lognormal"

# Example 2 - MCS for distances with exponential annual mileage distribution:
mcs_distances_2 <- mcs_mileage(
  x = field_data$mileage,
  time = field_data$dis,
  status = field_data$status,
  id = field_data$vin,
  distribution = "exponential"

# Example 3 - MCS for distances with downstream probability estimation:
## Apply 'estimate_cdf()' to *$data:
prob_estimation <- estimate_cdf(
  x = mcs_distances$data,
  methods = "kaplan"

## Apply 'plot_prob()':
plot_prob_estimation <- plot_prob(prob_estimation)

Weibull Mixture Model Estimation using EM-Algorithm


This method applies the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to estimate the parameters of a univariate Weibull mixture model. See 'Details'.


mixmod_em(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wt_reliability_data'
  distribution = "weibull",
  conf_level = 0.95,
  k = 2,
  method = "EM",
  n_iter = 100L,
  conv_limit = 1e-06,
  diff_loglik = 0.01,



A tibble with class wt_reliability_data returned by reliability_data.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


"weibull" until further distributions are implemented.


Confidence level for the intervals of the Weibull parameters of every component k.


Number of mixture components.


"EM" until other methods are implemented.


Integer defining the maximum number of iterations.


Numeric value defining the convergence limit.


Numeric value defining the maximum difference between log-likelihood values, which seems permissible.


The EM algorithm is an iterative algorithm for which starting values must be defined. Starting values can be provided for the unknown parameter vector as well as for the posterior probabilities. This implementation employs initial values for the posterior probabilities. These are assigned randomly by using the Dirichlet distribution, the conjugate prior of a multinomial distribution (see Mr. Gelissen's blog post listed under references).

M-Step : On the basis of the initial posterior probabilities, the parameter vector is estimated with Newton-Raphson.

E-Step : The actual estimated parameter vector is used to perform an update of the posterior probabilities.

This procedure is repeated until the complete log-likelihood has converged.


A list with classes wt_model and wt_mixmod_em. The length of the list depends on the number of specified subgroups k. The first k lists contain information provided by ml_estimation. The values of logL, aic and bic are the results of a weighted log-likelihood, where the weights are the posterior probabilities determined by the algorithm. The last list summarizes further results of the EM algorithm and is therefore called em_results. It contains the following elements:

  • a_priori : A vector with estimated prior probabilities.

  • a_posteriori : A matrix with estimated posterior probabilities.

  • groups : Numeric vector specifying the group membership of every observation.

  • logL : The value of the complete log-likelihood.

  • aic : Akaike Information Criterion.

  • bic : Bayesian Information Criterion.


  • Doganaksoy, N.; Hahn, G.; Meeker, W. Q., Reliability Analysis by Failure Mode, Quality Progress, 35(6), 47-52, 2002


# Reliability data preparation:
## Data for mixture model:
data_mix <- reliability_data(
  x = hours,
  status = status

# Example 1 - EM algorithm with k = 2:
mix_mod_em <- mixmod_em(
  x = data_mix,
  conf_level = 0.95,
  k = 2,
  n_iter = 150

# Example 2 - Maximum likelihood is applied when k = 1:
mix_mod_em_2 <- mixmod_em(
  x = data_mix,
  conf_level = 0.95,
  k = 1,
  n_iter = 150

Weibull Mixture Model Estimation using EM-Algorithm


This method applies the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to estimate the parameters of a univariate Weibull mixture model. See 'Details'.


## Default S3 method:
  distribution = "weibull",
  conf_level = 0.95,
  k = 2,
  method = "EM",
  n_iter = 100L,
  conv_limit = 1e-06,
  diff_loglik = 0.01,



A numeric vector which consists of lifetime data. Lifetime data could be every characteristic influencing the reliability of a product, e.g. operating time (days/months in service), mileage (km, miles), load cycles.


A vector of binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).


"weibull" until further distributions are implemented.


Confidence level for the intervals of the Weibull parameters of every component k.


Number of mixture components.


"EM" until other methods are implemented.


Integer defining the maximum number of iterations.


Numeric value defining the convergence limit.


Numeric value defining the maximum difference between log-likelihood values, which seems permissible.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


The EM algorithm is an iterative algorithm for which starting values must be defined. Starting values can be provided for the unknown parameter vector as well as for the posterior probabilities. This implementation employs initial values for the posterior probabilities. These are assigned randomly by using the Dirichlet distribution, the conjugate prior of a multinomial distribution (see Mr. Gelissen's blog post listed under references).

M-Step : On the basis of the initial posterior probabilities, the parameter vector is estimated with Newton-Raphson.

E-Step : The actual estimated parameter vector is used to perform an update of the posterior probabilities.

This procedure is repeated until the complete log-likelihood has converged.


A list with classes wt_model and wt_mixmod_em. The length of the list depends on the number of specified subgroups k. The first k lists contain information provided by ml_estimation. The values of logL, aic and bic are the results of a weighted log-likelihood, where the weights are the posterior probabilities determined by the algorithm. The last list summarizes further results of the EM algorithm and is therefore called em_results. It contains the following elements:

  • a_priori : A vector with estimated prior probabilities.

  • a_posteriori : A matrix with estimated posterior probabilities.

  • groups : Numeric vector specifying the group membership of every observation.

  • logL : The value of the complete log-likelihood.

  • aic : Akaike Information Criterion.

  • bic : Bayesian Information Criterion.


  • Doganaksoy, N.; Hahn, G.; Meeker, W. Q., Reliability Analysis by Failure Mode, Quality Progress, 35(6), 47-52, 2002

See Also



# Vectors:
hours <- voltage$hours
status <- voltage$status

# Example 1 - EM algorithm with k = 2:
mix_mod_em <- mixmod_em(
  x = hours,
  status = status,
  distribution = "weibull",
  conf_level = 0.95,
  k = 2,
  n_iter = 150

#' # Example 2 - Maximum likelihood is applied when k = 1:
mix_mod_em_2 <- mixmod_em(
  x = hours,
  status = status,
  distribution = "weibull",
  conf_level = 0.95,
  k = 1,
  method = "EM",
  n_iter = 150

Mixture Model Identification using Segmented Regression


This function uses piecewise linear regression to divide the data into subgroups. See 'Details'.


mixmod_regression(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wt_cdf_estimation'
  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic"),
  conf_level = 0.95,
  k = 2,
  control = segmented::seg.control(),



A tibble with class wt_cdf_estimation returned by estimate_cdf.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


Supposed distribution of the random variable.


Confidence level of the interval.


Number of mixture components. If the data should be split in an automated fashion, k must be set to NULL. The argument fix.psi of control is then set to FALSE.


Output of the call to seg.control, which is passed to segmented.lm. See 'Examples' for usage.


The segmentation process is based on the lifetime realizations of failed units and their corresponding estimated failure probabilities for which intact items are taken into account. It is performed with the support of segmented.lm.

Segmentation can be done with a specified number of subgroups or in an automated fashion (see argument k). The algorithm tends to overestimate the number of breakpoints when the separation is done automatically (see 'Warning' in segmented.lm).

In the context of reliability analysis it is important that the main types of failures can be identified and analyzed separately. These are

  • early failures,

  • random failures and

  • wear-out failures.

In order to reduce the risk of overestimation as well as being able to consider the main types of failures, a maximum of three subgroups (k = 3) is recommended.


A list with classes wt_model and wt_rank_regression if no breakpoint was detected. See rank_regression.

A list with classes wt_model and wt_mixmod_regression if at least one breakpoint was determined. The length of the list depends on the number of identified subgroups. Each list element contains the information provided by rank_regression. In addition, the returned tibble data of each list element only retains information on the failed units and has two more columns:

  • q : Quantiles of the standard distribution calculated from column prob.

  • group : Membership to the respective segment.

If more than one method was specified in estimate_cdf, the resulting output is a list with classes wt_model and wt_mixmod_regression_list where each list element has classes wt_model and wt_mixmod_regression.


Doganaksoy, N.; Hahn, G.; Meeker, W. Q., Reliability Analysis by Failure Mode, Quality Progress, 35(6), 47-52, 2002


# Reliability data preparation:
## Data for mixture model:
data_mix <- reliability_data(
  x = hours,
  status = status

## Data for simple unimodal distribution:
data <- reliability_data(
  x = distance,
  status = status

# Probability estimation with one method:
prob_mix <- estimate_cdf(
  methods = "johnson"

prob <- estimate_cdf(
  methods = "johnson"

# Probability estimation for multiple methods:
prob_mix_mult <- estimate_cdf(
  methods = c("johnson", "kaplan", "nelson")

# Example 1 - Mixture identification using k = 2 two-parametric Weibull models:
mix_mod_weibull <- mixmod_regression(
  x = prob_mix,
  distribution = "weibull",
  conf_level = 0.99,
  k = 2

# Example 2 - Mixture identification using k = 3 two-parametric lognormal models:
mix_mod_lognorm <- mixmod_regression(
  x = prob_mix,
  distribution = "lognormal",
  k = 3

# Example 3 - Mixture identification for multiple methods specified in estimate_cdf:
mix_mod_mult <- mixmod_regression(
  x = prob_mix_mult,
  distribution = "loglogistic"

# Example 4 - Mixture identification using control argument:
mix_mod_control <- mixmod_regression(
  x = prob_mix,
  distribution = "weibull",
  control = segmented::seg.control(display = TRUE)

# Example 5 - Mixture identification performs rank_regression for k = 1:
mod <- mixmod_regression(
  x = prob,
  distribution = "weibull",
  k = 1

Mixture Model Identification using Segmented Regression


This function uses piecewise linear regression to divide the data into subgroups. See 'Details'.


## Default S3 method:
  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic"),
  conf_level = 0.95,
  k = 2,
  control = segmented::seg.control(),



A numeric vector which consists of lifetime data. Lifetime data could be every characteristic influencing the reliability of a product, e.g. operating time (days/months in service), mileage (km, miles), load cycles.


A numeric vector which consists of estimated failure probabilities regarding the lifetime data in x.


A vector of binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).


Supposed distribution of the random variable.


Confidence level of the interval.


Number of mixture components. If the data should be split in an automated fashion, k must be set to NULL. The argument fix.psi of control is then set to FALSE.


Output of the call to seg.control, which is passed to segmented.lm. See 'Examples' for usage.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


The segmentation process is based on the lifetime realizations of failed units and their corresponding estimated failure probabilities for which intact items are taken into account. It is performed with the support of segmented.lm.

Segmentation can be done with a specified number of subgroups or in an automated fashion (see argument k). The algorithm tends to overestimate the number of breakpoints when the separation is done automatically (see 'Warning' in segmented.lm).

In the context of reliability analysis it is important that the main types of failures can be identified and analyzed separately. These are

  • early failures,

  • random failures and

  • wear-out failures.

In order to reduce the risk of overestimation as well as being able to consider the main types of failures, a maximum of three subgroups (k = 3) is recommended.


A list with classes wt_model and wt_rank_regression if no breakpoint was detected. See rank_regression. The returned tibble data is of class wt_cdf_estimation and contains the dummy columns cdf_estimation_method and id. The former is filled with NA_character, due to internal usage and the latter is filled with "XXXXXX" to point out that unit identification is not possible when using the vector-based approach.

A list with classes wt_model and wt_mixmod_regression if at least one breakpoint was determined. The length of the list depends on the number of identified subgroups. Each list contains the information provided by rank_regression. The returned tibble data of each list element only retains information on the failed units and has modified and additional columns:

  • id : Modified id, overwritten with "XXXXXX" to point out that unit identification is not possible when using the vector-based approach.

  • cdf_estimation_method : A character that is always NA_character. Only needed for internal use.

  • q : Quantiles of the standard distribution calculated from column prob.

  • group : Membership to the respective segment.


Doganaksoy, N.; Hahn, G.; Meeker, W. Q., Reliability Analysis by Failure Mode, Quality Progress, 35(6), 47-52, 2002

See Also



# Vectors:
## Data for mixture model:
hours <- voltage$hours
status <- voltage$status

## Data for simple unimodal distribution:
distance <- shock$distance
status_2 <- shock$status

# Probability estimation with one method:
prob_mix <- estimate_cdf(
  x = hours,
  status = status,
  method = "johnson"

prob <- estimate_cdf(
  x = distance,
  status = status_2,
  method = "johnson"

 # Example 1 - Mixture identification using k = 2 two-parametric Weibull models:
mix_mod_weibull <- mixmod_regression(
   x = prob_mix$x,
   y = prob_mix$prob,
   status = prob_mix$status,
   distribution = "weibull",
   conf_level = 0.99,
   k = 2

# Example 2 - Mixture identification using k = 3 two-parametric lognormal models:
mix_mod_lognorm <- mixmod_regression(
   x = prob_mix$x,
   y = prob_mix$prob,
   status = prob_mix$status,
   distribution = "lognormal",
   k = 3

# Example 3 - Mixture identification using control argument:
mix_mod_control <- mixmod_regression(
  x = prob_mix$x,
  y = prob_mix$prob,
  status = prob_mix$status,
  distribution = "weibull",
  k = 2,
  control = segmented::seg.control(display = TRUE)

# Example 4 - Mixture identification performs rank_regression for k = 1:
mod <- mixmod_regression(
  x = prob$x,
  y = prob$prob,
  status = prob$status,
  distribution = "weibull",
  k = 1

ML Estimation for Parametric Lifetime Distributions


This function estimates the parameters of a parametric lifetime distribution for complete and (multiple) right-censored data. The parameters are determined in the frequently used (log-)location-scale parameterization.

For the Weibull, estimates are additionally transformed such that they are in line with the parameterization provided by the stats package (see Weibull).


ml_estimation(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wt_reliability_data'
  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic", "sev", "normal", "logistic",
    "weibull3", "lognormal3", "loglogistic3", "exponential", "exponential2"),
  wts = rep(1, nrow(x)),
  conf_level = 0.95,
  start_dist_params = NULL,
  control = list(),



A tibble with class wt_reliability_data returned by reliability_data.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


Supposed distribution of the random variable.


Optional vector of case weights. The length of wts must be equal to the number of observations in x.


Confidence level of the interval.


Optional vector with initial values of the (log-)location-scale parameters.


A list of control parameters (see 'Details' and optim).


Within ml_estimation, optim is called with method = "BFGS" and control$fnscale = -1 to estimate the parameters that maximize the log-likelihood (see loglik_function). For threshold models, the profile log-likelihood is maximized in advance (see loglik_profiling). Once the threshold parameter is determined, the threshold model is treated like a distribution without threshold (lifetime is reduced by threshold estimate) and the general optimization routine is applied.

Normal approximation confidence intervals for the parameters are computed as well.


A list with classes wt_model, wt_ml_estimation and wt_model_estimation which contains:

  • coefficients : A named vector of estimated coefficients (parameters of the assumed distribution). Note: The parameters are given in the (log-)location-scale-parameterization.

  • confint : Confidence intervals for the (log-)location-scale parameters.

  • shape_scale_coefficients : Only included if distribution is "weibull" or "weibull3" (parameterization used in Weibull).

  • shape_scale_confint : Only included if distribution is "weibull" or "weibull3". Confidence intervals for scale η\eta and shape β\beta (and threshold γ\gamma if distribution = "weibull3").

  • varcov : Estimated variance-covariance matrix of (log-)location-scale parameters.

  • logL : The log-likelihood value.

  • aic : Akaike Information Criterion.

  • bic : Bayesian Information Criterion.

  • data : A tibble with class wt_reliability_data returned by

  • distribution : Specified distribution.


Meeker, William Q; Escobar, Luis A., Statistical methods for reliability data, New York: Wiley series in probability and statistics, 1998


# Reliability data preparation:
## Data for two-parametric model:
data_2p <- reliability_data(
  x = distance,
  status = status

## Data for three-parametric model:
data_3p <- reliability_data(
  x = cycles,
  status = status

# Example 1 - Fitting a two-parametric weibull distribution:
ml_2p <- ml_estimation(
  distribution = "weibull"

# Example 2 - Fitting a three-parametric lognormal distribution:
ml_3p <- ml_estimation(
  distribution = "lognormal3",
  conf_level = 0.99

ML Estimation for Parametric Lifetime Distributions


This function estimates the parameters of a parametric lifetime distribution for complete and (multiple) right-censored data. The parameters are determined in the frequently used (log-)location-scale parameterization.

For the Weibull, estimates are additionally transformed such that they are in line with the parameterization provided by the stats package (see Weibull).


## Default S3 method:
  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic", "sev", "normal", "logistic",
    "weibull3", "lognormal3", "loglogistic3", "exponential", "exponential2"),
  wts = rep(1, length(x)),
  conf_level = 0.95,
  start_dist_params = NULL,
  control = list(),



A numeric vector which consists of lifetime data. Lifetime data could be every characteristic influencing the reliability of a product, e.g. operating time (days/months in service), mileage (km, miles), load cycles.


A vector of binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).


Supposed distribution of the random variable.


Optional vector of case weights. The length of wts must be equal to the number of observations in x.


Confidence level of the interval.


Optional vector with initial values of the (log-)location-scale parameters.


A list of control parameters (see 'Details' and optim).


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


Within ml_estimation, optim is called with method = "BFGS" and control$fnscale = -1 to estimate the parameters that maximize the log-likelihood (see loglik_function). For threshold models, the profile log-likelihood is maximized in advance (see loglik_profiling). Once the threshold parameter is determined, the threshold model is treated like a distribution without threshold (lifetime is reduced by threshold estimate) and the general optimization routine is applied.

Normal approximation confidence intervals for the parameters are computed as well.


A list with classes wt_model, wt_ml_estimation and wt_model_estimation which contains:

  • coefficients : A named vector of estimated coefficients (parameters of the assumed distribution). Note: The parameters are given in the (log-)location-scale-parameterization.

  • confint : Confidence intervals for the (log-)location-scale parameters.

  • shape_scale_coefficients : Only included if distribution is "weibull" or "weibull3" (parameterization used in Weibull).

  • shape_scale_confint : Only included if distribution is "weibull" or "weibull3". Confidence intervals for scale η\eta and shape β\beta (and threshold γ\gamma if distribution = "weibull3").

  • varcov : Estimated variance-covariance matrix of (log-)location-scale parameters.

  • logL : The log-likelihood value.

  • aic : Akaike Information Criterion.

  • bic : Bayesian Information Criterion.

  • data : A tibble with columns x and status.

  • distribution : Specified distribution.


Meeker, William Q; Escobar, Luis A., Statistical methods for reliability data, New York: Wiley series in probability and statistics, 1998

See Also



# Vectors:
obs <- seq(10000, 100000, 10000)
status_1 <- c(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)

cycles <- alloy$cycles
status_2 <- alloy$status

# Example 1 - Fitting a two-parametric weibull distribution:
ml <- ml_estimation(
  x = obs,
  status = status_1,
  distribution = "weibull",
  conf_level = 0.90

# Example 2 - Fitting a three-parametric lognormal distribution:
ml_2 <- ml_estimation(
  x = cycles,
  status = status_2,
  distribution = "lognormal3"

Estimation of Failure Probabilities using Median Ranks



mr_method() is no longer under active development, switching to estimate_cdf is recommended.


  status = rep(1, length(x)),
  id = NULL,
  method = c("benard", "invbeta"),
  ties.method = c("max", "min", "average")



A numeric vector which consists of lifetime data. Lifetime data could be every characteristic influencing the reliability of a product, e.g. operating time (days/months in service), mileage (km, miles), load cycles.


A vector of ones indicating that every unit has failed.


A vector for the identification of every unit. Default is NULL.


Method for the estimation of the cdf. Can be "benard" (default) or "invbeta".


A character string specifying how ties are treated, default is "max".


This non-parametric approach (Median Ranks) is used to estimate the failure probabilities in terms of complete data. Two methods are available to estimate the cumulative distribution function F(t):

  • "benard" : Benard's approximation for Median Ranks.

  • "invbeta" : Exact Median Ranks using the inverse beta distribution.


A tibble with only failed units containing the following columns:

  • id : Identification for every unit.

  • x : Lifetime characteristic.

  • status : Status of failed units (always 1).

  • rank : Assigned ranks.

  • prob : Estimated failure probabilities.

  • cdf_estimation_method : Specified method for the estimation of failure probabilities (always 'mr').


# Vectors:
obs   <- seq(10000, 100000, 10000)
state <- rep(1, length(obs))
uic   <- c("3435", "1203", "958X", "XX71", "abcd", "tz46",
           "fl29", "AX23", "Uy12", "kl1a")

# Example 1 - Benard's approximation:
tbl_mr <- mr_method(
  x = obs,
  status = state,
  id = uic,
  method = "benard"

# Example 2 - Inverse beta distribution:
tbl_mr_invbeta <- mr_method(
  x = obs,
  status = state,
  method = "invbeta"

Estimation of Failure Probabilities using the Nelson-Aalen Estimator



nelson_method() is no longer under active development, switching to estimate_cdf is recommended.


nelson_method(x, status, id = NULL)



A numeric vector which consists of lifetime data. Lifetime data could be every characteristic influencing the reliability of a product, e.g. operating time (days/months in service), mileage (km, miles), load cycles.


A vector of binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).


A vector for the identification of every unit. Default is NULL.


This non-parametric approach estimates the cumulative hazard rate in terms of (multiple) right censored data. By equating the definition of the hazard rate with the hazard rate according to Nelson-Aalen one can calculate the failure probabilities.


A tibble containing the following columns:

  • id : Identification for every unit.

  • x : Lifetime characteristic.

  • status : Binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).

  • rank : Filled with NA.

  • prob : Estimated failure probabilities, NA if status = 0.

  • cdf_estimation_method : Specified method for the estimation of failure probabilities (always 'nelson').


# Vectors:
obs   <- seq(10000, 100000, 10000)
state <- c(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
uic   <- c("3435", "1203", "958X", "XX71", "abcd", "tz46",
           "fl29", "AX23","Uy12", "kl1a")

# Example - Nelson-Aalen estimator applied to intact and failed units:
tbl_nel <- nelson_method(
  x = obs,
  status = state,
  id = uic

Add Confidence Region(s) for Quantiles and Probabilities


This function is used to add estimated confidence region(s) to an existing probability plot. Since confidence regions are related to the estimated regression line, the latter is provided as well.


plot_conf(p_obj, x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wt_confint'
  title_trace_mod = "Fit",
  title_trace_conf = "Confidence Limit",



A plot object returned by plot_prob.


A tibble with class wt_confint returned by confint_betabinom or confint_fisher.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


A character string which is assigned to the model trace in the legend.


A character string which is assigned to the confidence trace in the legend.


A plot object containing the probability plot with plotting positions, the estimated regression line and the estimated confidence region(s).


Meeker, William Q; Escobar, Luis A., Statistical methods for reliability data, New York: Wiley series in probability and statistics, 1998


# Reliability data:
data <- reliability_data(data = alloy, x = cycles, status = status)

# Probability estimation:
prob_tbl <- estimate_cdf(data, methods = "johnson")

# Example 1 - Probability Plot, Regression Line and Confidence Bounds for Three-Parameter-Weibull:
rr <- rank_regression(prob_tbl, distribution = "weibull3")

conf_betabin <- confint_betabinom(rr)

plot_weibull <- plot_prob(prob_tbl, distribution = "weibull")

plot_conf_beta <- plot_conf(
  p_obj = plot_weibull,
  x = conf_betabin

# Example 2 - Probability Plot, Regression Line and Confidence Bounds for Three-Parameter-Lognormal:
rr_ln <- rank_regression(
  distribution = "lognormal3",
  conf_level = 0.9

conf_betabin_ln <- confint_betabinom(
  bounds = "two_sided",
  conf_level = 0.9,
  direction = "y"

plot_lognormal <- plot_prob(prob_tbl, distribution = "lognormal")

plot_conf_beta_ln <- plot_conf(
  p_obj = plot_lognormal,
  x = conf_betabin_ln

# Example 3 - Probability Plot, Regression Line and Confidence Bounds for MLE
ml <- ml_estimation(data, distribution = "weibull")

conf_fisher <- confint_fisher(ml)

plot_weibull <- plot_prob(prob_tbl, distribution = "weibull")

plot_conf_fisher_weibull <- plot_conf(
  p_obj = plot_weibull,
  x = conf_fisher

Add Confidence Region(s) for Quantiles and Probabilities


This function is used to add estimated confidence region(s) to an existing probability plot which also includes the estimated regression line.


## Default S3 method:
  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic", "sev", "normal", "logistic",
    "weibull3", "lognormal3", "loglogistic3", "exponential", "exponential2"),
  direction = c("y", "x"),
  title_trace = "Confidence Limit",



A plot object returned by plot_mod.


A list containing the x-coordinates of the confidence region(s). The list can be of length 1 or 2. For more information see Details.


A list containing the y-coordinates of the Confidence Region(s). The list can be of length 1 or 2. For more information see Details.


Supposed distribution of the random variable.


A character string specifying the direction of the plotted interval(s). "y" for failure probabilities or "x" for quantiles.


A character string which is assigned to the legend trace.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


It is important that the length of the vectors provided as lists in x and y match with the length of the vectors x and y in the function plot_mod. For this reason the following procedure is recommended:

  • Calculate confidence intervals with the function confint_betabinom or confint_fisher and store it in a data.frame. For instance call it df.

  • Inside plot_mod use the output df$x for x and df$prob for y of the function(s) named before.

  • In Examples the described approach is shown with code.


A plot object containing the probability plot with plotting positions, the estimated regression line and the estimated confidence region(s).


Meeker, William Q; Escobar, Luis A., Statistical methods for reliability data, New York: Wiley series in probability and statistics, 1998

See Also



# Vectors:
cycles <- alloy$cycles
status <- alloy$status

prob_tbl <- estimate_cdf(x = cycles, status = status, method = "johnson")

# Example 1 - Probability Plot, Regression Line and Confidence Bounds for Three-Parameter-Weibull:
rr <- rank_regression(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  y = prob_tbl$prob,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  distribution = "weibull3"

conf_betabin <- confint_betabinom(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  dist_params = rr$coefficients,
  distribution = "weibull3"

plot_weibull <- plot_prob(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  y = prob_tbl$prob,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  id = prob_tbl$id,
  distribution = "weibull"

plot_reg_weibull <- plot_mod(
  p_obj = plot_weibull,
  x = conf_betabin$x,
  y = conf_betabin$prob,
  dist_params = rr$coefficients,
  distribution = "weibull3"

plot_conf_beta <- plot_conf(
  p_obj = plot_reg_weibull,
  x = list(conf_betabin$x),
  y = list(conf_betabin$lower_bound, conf_betabin$upper_bound),
  direction = "y",
  distribution = "weibull3"

# Example 2 - Probability Plot, Regression Line and Confidence Bounds for Three-Parameter-Lognormal:
rr_ln <- rank_regression(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  y = prob_tbl$prob,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  distribution = "lognormal3"

conf_betabin_ln <- confint_betabinom(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  dist_params = rr_ln$coefficients,
  distribution = "lognormal3"

plot_lognormal <- plot_prob(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  y = prob_tbl$prob,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  id = prob_tbl$id,
  distribution = "lognormal"

plot_reg_lognormal <- plot_mod(
  p_obj = plot_lognormal,
  x = conf_betabin_ln$x,
  y = conf_betabin_ln$prob,
  dist_params = rr_ln$coefficients,
  distribution = "lognormal3"

plot_conf_beta_ln <- plot_conf(
  p_obj = plot_reg_lognormal,
  x = list(conf_betabin_ln$x),
  y = list(conf_betabin_ln$lower_bound, conf_betabin_ln$upper_bound),
  direction = "y",
  distribution = "lognormal3"

Add Estimated Population Line(s) to a Probability Plot


This function adds one or multiple estimated regression lines to an existing probability plot (plot_prob). Depending on the output of the functions rank_regression, ml_estimation, mixmod_regression or mixmod_em one or multiple lines are plotted.


plot_mod(p_obj, x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wt_model'
plot_mod(p_obj, x, title_trace = "Fit", ...)



A plot object returned by plot_prob.


A list with class wt_model returned by rank_regression, ml_estimation, mixmod_regression or mixmod_em.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


A character string which is assigned to the legend trace.


The name of the legend entry is a combination of the title_trace and the number of determined subgroups from mixmod_regression or mixmod_em. If title_trace = "Line" and the data could be split in two groups, the legend entries would be "Line: 1" and "Line: 2".


A plot object containing the probability plot with plotting positions and the estimated regression line(s).


Meeker, William Q; Escobar, Luis A., Statistical methods for reliability data, New York: Wiley series in probability and statistics, 1998


# Reliability data:
data <- reliability_data(data = alloy, x = cycles, status = status)

# Probability estimation:
prob_tbl <- estimate_cdf(data, methods = c("johnson", "kaplan"))

## Rank Regression
# Example 1 - Probability Plot and Regression Line Three-Parameter-Weibull:
plot_weibull <- plot_prob(prob_tbl, distribution = "weibull")
rr_weibull <- rank_regression(prob_tbl, distribution = "weibull3")

plot_reg_weibull <- plot_mod(p_obj = plot_weibull, x = rr_weibull)

# Example 2 - Probability Plot and Regression Line Three-Parameter-Lognormal:
plot_lognormal <- plot_prob(prob_tbl, distribution = "lognormal")
rr_lognormal <- rank_regression(prob_tbl, distribution = "lognormal3")

plot_reg_lognormal <- plot_mod(p_obj = plot_lognormal, x = rr_lognormal)

## ML Estimation
# Example 3 - Probability Plot and Regression Line Two-Parameter-Weibull:
plot_weibull <- plot_prob(prob_tbl, distribution = "weibull")
ml_weibull_2 <- ml_estimation(data, distribution = "weibull")

plot_reg_weibull_2 <- plot_mod(p_obj = plot_weibull, ml_weibull_2)

## Mixture Identification
# Reliability data:
data_mix <- reliability_data(voltage, x = hours, status = status)

# Probability estimation:
prob_mix <- estimate_cdf(
  methods = c("johnson", "kaplan", "nelson")

# Example 4 - Probability Plot and Regression Line Mixmod Regression:
mix_mod_rr <- mixmod_regression(prob_mix, distribution = "weibull")
plot_weibull <- plot_prob(mix_mod_rr)

plot_reg_mix_mod_rr <- plot_mod(p_obj = plot_weibull, x = mix_mod_rr)

# Example 5 - Probability Plot and Regression Line Mixmod EM:
mix_mod_em <- mixmod_em(data_mix)
plot_weibull <- plot_prob(mix_mod_em)

plot_reg_mix_mod_em <- plot_mod(p_obj = plot_weibull, x = mix_mod_em)

Add Estimated Population Lines of a Separated Mixture Model to a Probability Plot



plot_mod_mix() is no longer under active development, switching to plot_mod is recommended.


  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic"),
  title_trace = "Fit",



A plot object returned by plot_prob_mix.


A numeric vector containing the x-coordinates of the respective regression line.


A vector of binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).


A list returned by mixmod_regression or mixmod_em, which consists of elements necessary to visualize the regression lines.


Supposed distribution of the random variable.


A character string which is assigned to the legend trace.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


This function adds one or multiple estimated regression lines to an existing probability plot plot_prob). Depending on the output of the function mixmod_regression or mixmod_em one or multiple lines are plotted.

The name of the legend entry is a combination of the title_trace and the number of determined subgroups. If title_trace = "Line" and the data has been split in two groups, the legend entries would be "Line: 1" and "Line: 2".


A plot object containing the probability plot with plotting positions and estimated regression line(s).


Doganaksoy, N.; Hahn, G.; Meeker, W. Q., Reliability Analysis by Failure Mode, Quality Progress, 35(6), 47-52, 2002


# Vectors:
hours <- voltage$hours
status <- voltage$status

# Example 1 - Using result of mixmod_em in mix_output:
mix_mod_em <- mixmod_em(
  x = hours,
  status = status,
  distribution = "weibull",
  conf_level = 0.95,
  k = 2,
  method = "EM",
  n_iter = 150

plot_weibull_em <- plot_prob_mix(
  x = hours,
  status = status,
  id = id,
  distribution = "weibull",
  mix_output = mix_mod_em

plot_weibull_emlines <- plot_mod_mix(
  p_obj = plot_weibull_em,
  x = hours,
  status = status,
  mix_output = mix_mod_em,
  distribution = "weibull"

# Example 2 - Using result of mixmod_regression in mix_output:
john <- johnson_method(x = hours, status = status)
mix_mod_reg <- mixmod_regression(
  x = john$x,
  y = john$prob,
  status = john$status,
  distribution = "weibull"

plot_weibull_reg <- plot_prob_mix(
  x = john$x,
  status = john$status,
  id = john$id,
  distribution = "weibull",
  mix_output = mix_mod_reg,

plot_weibull_reglines <- plot_mod_mix(
  p_obj = plot_weibull_reg,
  x = john$x,
  status = john$status,
  mix_output = mix_mod_reg,
  distribution = "weibull"

Add Estimated Population Line to a Probability Plot


This function adds an estimated regression line to an existing probability plot (plot_prob).


## Default S3 method:
  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic", "sev", "normal", "logistic",
    "weibull3", "lognormal3", "loglogistic3", "exponential", "exponential2"),
  title_trace = "Fit",



A plot object returned by plot_prob.


A numeric vector containing the x-coordinates of the respective regression line.


A (named) numeric vector of estimated location and scale parameters for a specified distribution. The order of elements is important. First entry needs to be the location parameter μ\mu and the second element needs to be the scale parameter σ\sigma. If a three-parametric model is used the third element is the threshold parameter γ\gamma.


Supposed distribution of the random variable.


A character string which is assigned to the legend trace.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


A plot object containing the probability plot with plotting positions and the estimated regression line.


Meeker, William Q; Escobar, Luis A., Statistical methods for reliability data, New York: Wiley series in probability and statistics, 1998

See Also



# Vectors:
cycles <- alloy$cycles
status <- alloy$status

# Probability estimation
prob_tbl <- estimate_cdf(x = cycles, status = status, method = "johnson")

# Example 1: Probability Plot and Regression Line Three-Parameter-Weibull:
plot_weibull <- plot_prob(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  y = prob_tbl$prob,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  id = prob_tbl$id,
  distribution = "weibull"

rr <- rank_regression(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  y = prob_tbl$prob,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  distribution = "weibull3"

plot_reg_weibull <- plot_mod(
  p_obj = plot_weibull,
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  dist_params = rr$coefficients,
  distribution = "weibull3"

# Example 2: Probability Plot and Regression Line Three-Parameter-Lognormal:
plot_lognormal <- plot_prob(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  y = prob_tbl$prob,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  id = prob_tbl$id,
  distribution = "lognormal"

rr_ln <- rank_regression(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  y = prob_tbl$prob,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  distribution = "lognormal3"

plot_reg_lognormal <- plot_mod(
  p_obj = plot_lognormal,
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  dist_params = rr_ln$coefficients,
  distribution = "lognormal3"

## Mixture Identification
# Vectors:
hours <- voltage$hours
status <- voltage$status

# Probability estimation:
prob_mix <- estimate_cdf(
  x = hours,
  status = status,
  method = "johnson"

Add Population Line(s) to an Existing Grid


This function adds one (or multiple) linearized CDF(s) to an existing plot grid.


  p_obj = NULL,
  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic", "sev", "normal", "logistic",
  tol = 1e-06,
  title_trace = "Population",
  plot_method = c("plotly", "ggplot2")



A plot object to which the population line(s) is (are) added or NULL. If NULL the population line(s) is (are) plotted in an empty grid.


A numeric vector of length two or greater used for the x coordinates of the population line. If length(x) == 2 a sequence of length 200 between x[1] and x[2] is created. This sequence is equidistant with respect to the scale of the x axis. If length(x) > 2 the elements of x are the x coordinates of the population line.


A data.frame. See 'Details'.


Supposed distribution of the random variable. The distinction between a threshold distribution and the respective standard variant is made with dist_params_tbl.


The failure probability is restricted to the interval [tol,1tol][tol, 1 - tol]. The default value is in accordance with the decimal places shown in the hover for plot_method = "plotly".


A character string which is assigned to the legend trace.


Package, which is used for generating the plot output. Only used when p_obj = NULL. If p_obj != NULL the plot object is used to determine the plot method.


dist_params_tbl is a data.frame with parameter columns. An overview of the distribution-specific parameters and their order can be found in section 'Distributions'.

If only one population line should be displayed, a numeric vector is also supported. The order of the vector elements also corresponds to the table in section 'Distributions'.


A plot object containing the linearized CDF(s).


The following table summarizes the available distributions and their parameters

  • location parameter μ\mu,

  • scale parameter σ\sigma or θ\theta and

  • threshold parameter γ\gamma.

The column order within dist_params_tbl is given in the table header.

distribution dist_params_tbl[1] dist_params_tbl[2] dist_params_tbl[3]
"sev" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"weibull" μ\mu σ\sigma (γ\gamma)
"normal" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"lognormal" μ\mu σ\sigma (γ\gamma)
"logistic" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"loglogistic" μ\mu σ\sigma (γ\gamma)
"exponential" θ\theta (γ\gamma) -


x <- rweibull(n = 100, shape = 1, scale = 20000)

# Example 1 - Two-parametric straight line:
pop_weibull <- plot_pop(
  p_obj = NULL,
  x = range(x),
  dist_params_tbl = c(log(20000), 1),
  distribution = "weibull"

# Example 2 - Three-parametric curved line:
x2 <- rweibull(n = 100, shape = 1, scale = 20000) + 5000

pop_weibull_2 <- plot_pop(
  p_obj = NULL,
  x = x2,
  dist_params_tbl = c(log(20000 - 5000), 1, 5000),
  distribution = "weibull"

# Example 3 - Multiple lines:
pop_weibull_3 <- plot_pop(
  p_obj = NULL,
  x = x,
  dist_params_tbl = data.frame(
    p_1 = c(log(20000), log(20000), log(20000)),
    p_2 = c(1, 1.5, 2)
  distribution = "weibull",
  plot_method = "ggplot2"

# Example 4 - Compare two- and three-parametric distributions:
pop_weibull_4 <- plot_pop(
  p_obj = NULL,
  x = x,
  dist_params_tbl = data.frame(
    param_1 = c(log(20000), log(20000)),
    param_2 = c(1, 1),
    param_3 = c(NA, 2)
  distribution = "weibull"

Probability Plotting Method for Univariate Lifetime Distributions


This function is used to apply the graphical technique of probability plotting. It is either applied to the output of estimate_cdf (plot_prob.wt_cdf_estimation) or to the output of a mixture model from mixmod_regression / mixmod_em (plot_prob.wt_model). Note that in the latter case no distribution has to be specified because it is inferred from the model.


plot_prob(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wt_cdf_estimation'
  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic", "sev", "normal", "logistic",
  title_main = "Probability Plot",
  title_x = "Characteristic",
  title_y = "Unreliability",
  title_trace = "Sample",
  plot_method = c("plotly", "ggplot2"),

## S3 method for class 'wt_model'
  title_main = "Probability Plot",
  title_x = "Characteristic",
  title_y = "Unreliability",
  title_trace = "Sample",
  plot_method = c("plotly", "ggplot2"),



A tibble with class wt_cdf_estimation returned by estimate_cdf or a list with class wt_model returned by rank_regression, ml_estimation, mixmod_regression or mixmod_em.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


Supposed distribution of the random variable.


A character string which is assigned to the main title.


A character string which is assigned to the title of the x axis.


A character string which is assigned to the title of the y axis.


A character string which is assigned to the legend trace.


Package, which is used for generating the plot output.


If x was split by mixmod_em, estimate_cdf with method "johnson" is applied to subgroup-specific data. The calculated plotting positions are shaped according to the determined split in mixmod_em.

In mixmod_regression a maximum of three subgroups can be determined and thus being plotted. The intention of this function is to give the user a hint for the existence of a mixture model. An in-depth analysis should be done afterwards.

For plot_method == "plotly" the marker label for x and y are determined by the first word provided in the argument title_x and title_y respectively, i.e. if title_x = "Mileage in km" the x label of the marker is "Mileage". The name of the legend entry is a combination of the title_trace and the number of determined subgroups (if any). If title_trace = "Group" and the data has been split in two groups, the legend entries are "Group: 1" and "Group: 2".


A plot object containing the probability plot.


Meeker, William Q; Escobar, Luis A., Statistical methods for reliability data, New York: Wiley series in probability and statistics, 1998


# Reliability data:
data <- reliability_data(
  x = cycles,
  status = status

# Probability estimation:
prob_tbl <- estimate_cdf(
  methods = c("johnson", "kaplan")

# Example 1 - Probability Plot Weibull:
plot_weibull <- plot_prob(prob_tbl)

# Example 2 - Probability Plot Lognormal:
plot_lognormal <- plot_prob(
  x = prob_tbl,
  distribution = "lognormal"

## Mixture identification
# Reliability data:
data_mix <- reliability_data(
  x = hours,
  status = status

prob_mix <- estimate_cdf(
  methods = c("johnson", "kaplan")

# Example 3 - Mixture identification using mixmod_regression:
mix_mod_rr <- mixmod_regression(prob_mix)

plot_mix_mod_rr <- plot_prob(x = mix_mod_rr)

# Example 4 - Mixture identification using mixmod_em:
mix_mod_em <- mixmod_em(data_mix)

plot_mix_mod_em <- plot_prob(x = mix_mod_em)

Probability Plot for Separated Mixture Models



plot_prob_mix() is no longer under active development, switching to plot_prob is recommended.


  id = rep("XXXXXX", length(x)),
  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic"),
  title_main = "Probability Plot",
  title_x = "Characteristic",
  title_y = "Unreliability",
  title_trace = "Sample",
  plot_method = c("plotly", "ggplot2"),



A numeric vector which consists of lifetime data. Lifetime data could be every characteristic influencing the reliability of a product, e.g. operating time (days/months in service), mileage (km, miles), load cycles.


A vector of binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).


Identification for every unit.


Supposed distribution of the random variable.


A list returned by mixmod_regression or mixmod_em, which consists of values necessary to visualize the subgroups.The default value of mix_output is NULL.


A character string which is assigned to the main title.


A character string which is assigned to the title of the x axis.


A character string which is assigned to the title of the y axis.


A character string which is assigned to the legend trace.


Package, which is used for generating the plot output.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


This function is used to apply the graphical technique of probability plotting to univariate mixture models that have been separated with functions mixmod_regression or mixmod_em.

If data has been split by mixmod_em the function johnson_method is applied to subgroup-specific data. The calculated plotting positions are shaped regarding the obtained split of the used splitting function.

In mixmod_regression a maximum of three subgroups can be determined and thus being plotted. The intention of this function is to give the user a hint for the existence of a mixture model. An in-depth analysis should be done afterwards.

The marker label for x and y are determined by the first word provided in the argument title_x and title_y respectively, i.e. if title_x = "Mileage in km" the x label of the marker is "Mileage".

The name of the legend entry is a combination of the title_trace and the number of determined subgroups (if any). If title_trace = "Group" and the data has been split in two groups, the legend entries are "Group: 1" and "Group: 2".


Doganaksoy, N.; Hahn, G.; Meeker, W. Q., Reliability Analysis by Failure Mode, Quality Progress, 35(6), 47-52, 2002

See Also



# Vectors:
hours <- voltage$hours
status <- voltage$status

# Example 1 - Using result of mixmod_em:
mix_mod_em <- mixmod_em(
  x = hours,
  status = status

plot_weibull_em <- plot_prob_mix(
  x = hours,
  status = status,
  distribution = "weibull",
  mix_output = mix_mod_em

# Example 2 - Using result of mixmod_regression:
john <- estimate_cdf(
  x = hours,
  status = status,
  method = "johnson"

mix_mod_reg <- mixmod_regression(
  x = john$x,
  y = john$prob,
  status = john$status,
  distribution = "weibull"

plot_weibull_reg <- plot_prob_mix(
  x = hours,
  status = status,
  distribution = "weibull",
  mix_output = mix_mod_reg

Probability Plotting Method for Univariate Lifetime Distributions


This function is used to apply the graphical technique of probability plotting.


## Default S3 method:
  id = rep("XXXXXX", length(x)),
  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic", "sev", "normal", "logistic",
  title_main = "Probability Plot",
  title_x = "Characteristic",
  title_y = "Unreliability",
  title_trace = "Sample",
  plot_method = c("plotly", "ggplot2"),



A numeric vector which consists of lifetime data. Lifetime data could be every characteristic influencing the reliability of a product, e.g. operating time (days/months in service), mileage (km, miles), load cycles.


A numeric vector which consists of estimated failure probabilities regarding the lifetime data in x.


A vector of binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).


Identification for every unit.


Supposed distribution of the random variable.


A character string which is assigned to the main title.


A character string which is assigned to the title of the x axis.


A character string which is assigned to the title of the y axis.


A character string which is assigned to the legend trace.


Package, which is used for generating the plot output.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


For plot_method == "plotly" the marker label for x and y are determined by the first word provided in the argument title_x and title_y respectively, i.e. if title_x = "Mileage in km" the x label of the marker is "Mileage".


A plot object containing the probability plot.


Meeker, William Q; Escobar, Luis A., Statistical methods for reliability data, New York: Wiley series in probability and statistics, 1998

See Also



# Vectors:
cycles   <- alloy$cycles
status <- alloy$status

# Probability estimation:
prob_tbl <- estimate_cdf(
  x = cycles,
  status = status,
  method = "johnson"

# Example 1: Probability Plot Weibull:
plot_weibull <- plot_prob(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  y = prob_tbl$prob,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  id = prob_tbl$id

# Example 2: Probability Plot Lognormal:
plot_lognormal <- plot_prob(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  y = prob_tbl$prob,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  id = prob_tbl$id,
  distribution = "lognormal"

Prediction of Failure Probabilities for Parametric Lifetime Distributions


This function predicts the (failure) probabilities of a parametric lifetime distribution using the (log-)location-scale parameterization.


  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic", "sev", "normal", "logistic",
    "weibull3", "lognormal3", "loglogistic3", "exponential", "exponential2")



A numeric vector of quantiles.


A vector of parameters. An overview of the distribution-specific parameters can be found in section 'Distributions'.


Supposed distribution of the random variable.


For a given set of parameters and specified quantiles the probabilities of the chosen model are determined.


A vector with predicted (failure) probabilities.


The following table summarizes the available distributions and their parameters

  • location parameter μ\mu,

  • scale parameter σ\sigma or θ\theta and

  • threshold parameter γ\gamma.

The order within dist_params is given in the table header.

distribution dist_params[1] dist_params[2] dist_params[3]
"sev" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"weibull" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"weibull3" μ\mu σ\sigma γ\gamma
"normal" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"lognormal" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"lognormal3" μ\mu σ\sigma γ\gamma
"logistic" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"loglogistic" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"loglogistic3" μ\mu σ\sigma γ\gamma
"exponential" θ\theta - -
"exponential2" θ\theta γ\gamma -


# Example 1 - Predicted probabilities for a two-parameter weibull distribution:
probs_weib2 <- predict_prob(
  q = c(15, 48, 124),
  dist_params = c(5, 0.5),
  distribution = "weibull"

# Example 2 - Predicted quantiles for a three-parameter weibull distribution:
probs_weib3 <- predict_prob(
  q = c(25, 58, 134),
  dist_params = c(5, 0.5, 10),
  distribution = "weibull3"

Prediction of Quantiles for Parametric Lifetime Distributions


This function predicts the quantiles of a parametric lifetime distribution using the (log-)location-scale parameterization.


  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic", "sev", "normal", "logistic",
    "weibull3", "lognormal3", "loglogistic3", "exponential", "exponential2")



A numeric vector of probabilities.


A vector of parameters. An overview of the distribution-specific parameters can be found in section 'Distributions'.


Supposed distribution of the random variable.


For a given set of parameters and specified probabilities the quantiles of the chosen model are determined.


A vector with predicted quantiles.


The following table summarizes the available distributions and their parameters

  • location parameter μ\mu,

  • scale parameter σ\sigma or θ\theta and

  • threshold parameter γ\gamma.

The order within dist_params is given in the table header.

distribution dist_params[1] dist_params[2] dist_params[3]
"sev" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"weibull" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"weibull3" μ\mu σ\sigma γ\gamma
"normal" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"lognormal" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"lognormal3" μ\mu σ\sigma γ\gamma
"logistic" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"loglogistic" μ\mu σ\sigma -
"loglogistic3" μ\mu σ\sigma γ\gamma
"exponential" θ\theta - -
"exponential2" θ\theta γ\gamma -


# Example 1 - Predicted quantiles for a two-parameter weibull distribution:
quants_weib2 <- predict_quantile(
  p = c(0.01, 0.1, 0.5),
  dist_params = c(5, 0.5),
  distribution = "weibull"

# Example 2 - Predicted quantiles for a three-parameter weibull distribution:
quants_weib3 <- predict_quantile(
  p = c(0.01, 0.1, 0.5),
  dist_params = c(5, 0.5, 10),
  distribution = "weibull3"

R-Squared-Profile Function for Parametric Lifetime Distributions with Threshold


This function evaluates the coefficient of determination with respect to a given threshold parameter of a parametric lifetime distribution. In terms of Rank Regression this function can be optimized (optim) to estimate the threshold parameter.


r_squared_profiling(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wt_cdf_estimation'
  distribution = c("weibull3", "lognormal3", "loglogistic3", "exponential2"),
  direction = c("x_on_y", "y_on_x"),



A tibble with class wt_cdf_estimation returned by estimate_cdf.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


A numeric value for the threshold parameter.


Supposed parametric distribution of the random variable.


Direction of the dependence in the regression model.


Returns the coefficient of determination with respect to the threshold parameter thres.


# Data:
data <- reliability_data(
  x = cycles,
  status = status

# Probability estimation:
prob_tbl <- estimate_cdf(
  methods = "johnson"

# Determining the optimal coefficient of determination:
## Range of threshold parameter must be smaller than the first failure:
threshold <- seq(
        status == 1,
        x == min(x)
    ) - 0.1
  length.out = 100

## Coefficient of determination with respect to threshold values:
profile_r2 <- r_squared_profiling(
  x = dplyr::filter(
    status == 1
  thres = threshold,
  distribution = "weibull3"

## Threshold value (among the candidates) that maximizes the coefficient of determination:

## plot:
  type = "l"
  v = threshold[which.max(profile_r2)],
  h = max(profile_r2),
  col = "red"

R-Squared-Profile Function for Parametric Lifetime Distributions with Threshold


This function evaluates the coefficient of determination with respect to a given threshold parameter of a parametric lifetime distribution. In terms of Rank Regression this function can be optimized (optim) to estimate the threshold parameter.


## Default S3 method:
  distribution = c("weibull3", "lognormal3", "loglogistic3", "exponential2"),
  direction = c("x_on_y", "y_on_x"),



A numeric vector which consists of lifetime data. Lifetime data could be every characteristic influencing the reliability of a product, e.g. operating time (days/months in service), mileage (km, miles), load cycles.


A numeric vector which consists of estimated failure probabilities regarding the lifetime data in x.


A numeric value for the threshold parameter.


Supposed parametric distribution of the random variable.


Direction of the dependence in the regression model.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


Returns the coefficient of determination with respect to the threshold parameter thres.

See Also



# Vectors:
cycles <- alloy$cycles
status <- alloy$status

# Probability estimation:
prob_tbl <- estimate_cdf(
  x = cycles,
  status = status,
  method = "johnson"

# Determining the optimal coefficient of determination:
## Range of threshold parameter must be smaller than the first failure:
threshold <- seq(
  min(cycles[status == 1]) - 0.1,
  length.out = 100

## Coefficient of determination with respect to threshold values:
profile_r2 <- r_squared_profiling(
  x = prob_tbl$x[prob_tbl$status == 1],
  y = prob_tbl$prob[prob_tbl$status == 1],
  thres = threshold,
  distribution = "weibull3"

## Threshold value (among the candidates) that maximizes the
## coefficient of determination:

## plot:
  type = "l"
  v = threshold[which.max(profile_r2)],
  h = max(profile_r2),
  col = "red"

Rank Regression for Parametric Lifetime Distributions


This function fits a regression model to a linearized parametric lifetime distribution for complete and (multiple) right-censored data. The parameters are determined in the frequently used (log-)location-scale parameterization.

For the Weibull, estimates are additionally transformed such that they are in line with the parameterization provided by the stats package (see Weibull).


rank_regression(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wt_cdf_estimation'
  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic", "sev", "normal", "logistic",
    "weibull3", "lognormal3", "loglogistic3", "exponential", "exponential2"),
  conf_level = 0.95,
  direction = c("x_on_y", "y_on_x"),
  control = list(),
  options = list(),



A tibble with class wt_cdf_estimation returned by estimate_cdf.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


Supposed distribution of the random variable.


Confidence level of the interval.


Direction of the dependence in the regression model.


A list of control parameters (see optim).

control is in use only if a three-parametric distribution was specified. If this is the case, optim (always with method = "L-BFGS-B" and control$fnscale = -1) is called to determine the threshold parameter (see r_squared_profiling).


A list of named options. See 'Options'.


The confidence intervals of the parameters are computed on the basis of a heteroscedasticity-consistent (HC) covariance matrix. Here it should be said that there is no statistical foundation to determine the standard errors of the parameters using Least Squares in context of Rank Regression. For an accepted statistical method use maximum likelihood.

If options = list(conf_method = "Mock"), the argument distribution must be one of "weibull" and "weibull3". The approximated confidence intervals for the Weibull parameters can then only be estimated on the following confidence levels (see 'References' (Mock, 1995)):

  • conf_level = 0.90

  • conf_level = 0.95

  • conf_level = 0.99


A list with classes wt_model, wt_rank_regression and wt_model_estimation which contains:

  • coefficients : A named vector of estimated coefficients (parameters of the assumed distribution). Note: The parameters are given in the (log-)location-scale-parameterization.

  • confint : Confidence intervals for the (log-)location-scale parameters. For threshold distributions no confidence interval for the threshold parameter can be computed. If direction = "y_on_x", back-transformed confidence intervals are provided.

  • shape_scale_coefficients : Only included if distribution is "weibull" or "weibull3" (parameterization used in Weibull).

  • shape_scale_confint : Only included if distribution is "weibull" or "weibull3". Approximated confidence intervals for scale η\eta and shape β\beta (and threshold γ\gamma if distribution = "weibull3").

  • varcov : Only provided if options = list(conf_method = "HC") (default). Estimated heteroscedasticity-consistent (HC) variance-covariance matrix for the (log-)location-scale parameters.

  • r_squared : Coefficient of determination.

  • data : A tibble with class wt_cdf_estimation returned by estimate_cdf.

  • distribution : Specified distribution.

  • direction : Specified direction.

If more than one method was specified in estimate_cdf, the resulting output is a list with class wt_model_estimation_list. In this case, each list element has classes wt_rank_regression and wt_model_estimation, and the items listed above, are included.


Argument options is a named list of options:

Name Value
conf_method "HC" (default) or "Mock"


  • Mock, R., Methoden zur Datenhandhabung in Zuverlässigkeitsanalysen, vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, 1995

  • Meeker, William Q; Escobar, Luis A., Statistical methods for reliability data, New York: Wiley series in probability and statistics, 1998


# Reliability data preparation:
## Data for two-parametric model:
data_2p <- reliability_data(
  x = distance,
  status = status

## Data for three-parametric model:
data_3p <- reliability_data(
  x = cycles,
  status = status

# Probability estimation:
prob_tbl_2p <- estimate_cdf(
  methods = "johnson"

prob_tbl_3p <- estimate_cdf(
  methods = "johnson"

prob_tbl_mult <- estimate_cdf(
  methods = c("johnson", "kaplan")

# Example 1 - Fitting a two-parametric weibull distribution:
rr_2p <- rank_regression(
  x = prob_tbl_2p,
  distribution = "weibull"

# Example 2 - Fitting a three-parametric lognormal distribution:
rr_3p <- rank_regression(
  x = prob_tbl_3p,
  distribution = "lognormal3",
  conf_level = 0.99

# Example 3 - Fitting a three-parametric lognormal distribution using
# direction and control arguments:
rr_3p_control <- rank_regression(
  x = prob_tbl_3p,
  distribution = "lognormal3",
  conf_level = 0.99,
  direction = "y_on_x",
  control = list(trace = TRUE, REPORT = 1)

# Example 4 - Fitting a three-parametric loglogistic distribution if multiple
# methods in estimate_cdf were specified:
rr_lists <- rank_regression(
  x = prob_tbl_mult,
  distribution = "loglogistic3",
  conf_level = 0.90

Rank Regression for Parametric Lifetime Distributions


This function fits a regression model to a linearized parametric lifetime distribution for complete and (multiple) right-censored data. The parameters are determined in the frequently used (log-)location-scale parameterization.

For the Weibull, estimates are additionally transformed such that they are in line with the parameterization provided by the stats package (see Weibull).


## Default S3 method:
  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic", "sev", "normal", "logistic",
    "weibull3", "lognormal3", "loglogistic3", "exponential", "exponential2"),
  conf_level = 0.95,
  direction = c("x_on_y", "y_on_x"),
  control = list(),
  options = list(),



A numeric vector which consists of lifetime data. Lifetime data could be every characteristic influencing the reliability of a product, e.g. operating time (days/months in service), mileage (km, miles), load cycles.


A numeric vector which consists of estimated failure probabilities regarding the lifetime data in x.


A vector of binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).


Supposed distribution of the random variable.


Confidence level of the interval.


Direction of the dependence in the regression model.


A list of control parameters (see optim).

control is in use only if a three-parametric distribution was specified. If this is the case, optim (always with method = "L-BFGS-B" and control$fnscale = -1) is called to determine the threshold parameter (see r_squared_profiling).


A list of named options. See 'Options'.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


The confidence intervals of the parameters are computed on the basis of a heteroscedasticity-consistent (HC) covariance matrix. Here it should be said that there is no statistical foundation to determine the standard errors of the parameters using Least Squares in context of Rank Regression. For an accepted statistical method use maximum likelihood.

If options = list(conf_method = "Mock"), the argument distribution must be one of "weibull" and "weibull3". The approximated confidence intervals for the Weibull parameters can then only be estimated on the following confidence levels (see 'References' (Mock, 1995)):

  • conf_level = 0.90

  • conf_level = 0.95

  • conf_level = 0.99


A list with classes wt_model, wt_rank_regression and wt_model_estimation which contains:

  • coefficients : A named vector of estimated coefficients (parameters of the assumed distribution). Note: The parameters are given in the (log-)location-scale-parameterization.

  • confint : Confidence intervals for the (log-)location-scale parameters. For threshold distributions no confidence interval for the threshold parameter can be computed. If direction = "y_on_x", back-transformed confidence intervals are provided.

  • shape_scale_coefficients : Only included if distribution is "weibull" or "weibull3" (parameterization used in Weibull).

  • shape_scale_confint : Only included if distribution is "weibull" or "weibull3". Approximated confidence intervals for scale η\eta and shape β\beta (and threshold γ\gamma if distribution = "weibull3").

  • varcov : Only provided if options = list(conf_method = "HC") (default). Estimated heteroscedasticity-consistent (HC) variance-covariance matrix for the (log-)location-scale parameters.

  • r_squared : Coefficient of determination.

  • data : A tibble with columns x, status and prob.

  • distribution : Specified distribution.

  • direction : Specified direction.


Argument options is a named list of options:

Name Value
conf_method "HC" (default) or "Mock"


  • Mock, R., Methoden zur Datenhandhabung in Zuverlässigkeitsanalysen, vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, 1995

  • Meeker, William Q; Escobar, Luis A., Statistical methods for reliability data, New York: Wiley series in probability and statistics, 1998

See Also



# Vectors:
obs <- seq(10000, 100000, 10000)
status_1 <- c(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)

cycles <- alloy$cycles
status_2 <- alloy$status

# Example 1 - Fitting a two-parametric weibull distribution:
tbl_john <- estimate_cdf(
  x = obs,
  status = status_1,
  method = "johnson"

rr <- rank_regression(
  x = tbl_john$x,
  y = tbl_john$prob,
  status = tbl_john$status,
  distribution = "weibull",
  conf_level = 0.90

# Example 2 - Fitting a three-parametric lognormal distribution:
tbl_kaplan <- estimate_cdf(
  x = cycles,
  status = status_2,
  method = "kaplan"

rr_2 <- rank_regression(
  x = tbl_kaplan$x,
  y = tbl_kaplan$prob,
  status = tbl_kaplan$status,
  distribution = "lognormal3"

Reliability Data


Create consistent reliability data based on an existing data.frame (preferred) or on multiple equal length vectors.


reliability_data(data = NULL, x, status, id = NULL, .keep_all = FALSE)



Either NULL or a data.frame. If data is NULL, x, status and id must be vectors containing the data. Otherwise x, status and id can be either column names or column positions.


Lifetime data, that means any characteristic influencing the reliability of a product, e.g. operating time (days/months in service), mileage (km, miles), load cycles.


Binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).


Identification of every unit.


If TRUE keep remaining variables in data.


A tibble with class wt_reliability_data containing the following columns (if .keep_all = FALSE):

  • x : Lifetime characteristic.

  • status : Binary data (0 or 1) indicating whether a unit is a right censored observation (= 0) or a failure (= 1).

  • id : Identification for every unit.

If .keep_all = TRUE, the remaining columns of data are also preserved.

If !is.null(data) the attribute characteristic holds the name of the characteristic described by x. Otherwise it is set to "x".


# Example 1 -  Based on an existing data.frame/tibble and column names:
data <- reliability_data(
  data = shock,
  x = distance,
  status = status

# Example 2 - Based on an existing data.frame/tibble and column positions:
data_2 <- reliability_data(
  data = shock,
  x = 1,
  status = 3

# Example 3 - Keep all variables of the tibble/data.frame entered to argument data:
data_3 <- reliability_data(
  data = shock,
  x = distance,
  status = status,
  .keep_all = TRUE

# Example 4 - Based on vectors:
cycles <- alloy$cycles
state <- alloy$status
id <- "XXXXXX"

data_4 <- reliability_data(
  x = cycles,
  status = state,
  id = id

Distance to Failure for Vehicle Shock Absorbers


Distance to failure for 38 vehicle shock absorbers.




A tibble with 38 rows and 3 variables:


Observed distance.


One of two failure modes (mode_1 and mode_2) or censored if no failure occurred.


If failure_mode is either mode_1 or mode_2 this is 1 else 0.


Meeker, William Q; Escobar, Luis A., Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York: Wiley series in probability and statistics (1998, p.630)

High Voltage Stress Test for the Dielectric Insulation of Generator armature bars


A sample of 58 segments of bars were subjected to a high voltage stress test. Two failure modes occurred, Mode D (degradation failure) and Mode E (early failure).




A tibble with 58 rows and 3 variables:


Observed hours.


One of two failure modes (D and E) or censored if no failure occurred.


If failure_mode is either D or E this is 1 else 0.


Doganaksoy, N.; Hahn, G.; Meeker, W. Q., Reliability Analysis by Failure Mode, Quality Progress, 35(6), 47-52, 2002